Call Number (LC) Title Results
BF774 T733 2019ab The science of influence : how to inspire yourself and others to greatness / 1
BF774.Z85 1994eb Influence : Portable Power for the '90s. 1
BF774 ebook Así persuaden los líderes : lo que debes saber para influir positivamente en las personas /
Una odisea del pensamiento : influencias, libertad de pensar y violencia /
BF775 .B6 1996 Histoires prodigieuses / 1
BF775 (INTERNET) Somewhat vvritten by occasion of three sunnes seene at Tregnie in Cornewall, the 22. of December last. With other memorable occurents in other places. 1
BF775 .S34 L'Imagination et le merveilleux, la pensée et l'action. 1
BF778 La Complejidad en la Enseñanza de Valores
Values in the key of life : making harmony in the human community /
Values and behavior : taking a cross cultural perspective /
Spiral dynamics in action : humanity's master code /
Handbook of value : perspectives from economics, neuroscience, philosophy, psychology and sociology /
Your values-based legacy making a difference at every age and phase of life /
Breadcrumb legacy : how great leaders live a life worth remembering /
BF778 .B313 1996 The system of objects / 1
BF778 .B32 1991 Meanings of life / 1
BF778 .B34 1996 Spiral dynamics : mastering values, leadership, and change : exploring the new science of memetics / 1
BF778 .B59 2011 Why things matter : the place of values in science, psychoanalysis and religion / 2
BF778 .B65 2018 Meaning and melancholia : life in the age of bewilderment / 2
BF778 .B76 2005eb Process and the authentic life : toward a psychology of value / 1
BF778 .C65 1970 Human values and the mind of man : proceedings / 1
BF778 .C7 The experimental investigation of meaning ; a review of the literature.
The experimental investigation of meaning a review of the literature /
BF778 .C795 2012 Cultural psychology of human values / 1
BF778 .F6813 2020  
BF778 .F7 1946a Foundations of the measurement of values : the methodology of location and quantification / 1
BF778 .G3 The key to the sciences of man : the "impossible" relativity of value reactions / 1
BF778 .G64 The human agenda. 1