Call Number (LC) Title Results
BJ1498 .L88 2021 Aimlessness / 1
BJ1498 .M3 Leisure and its use : some international observations / 1
BJ1498 .M37 2013eb Mapping leisure across borders / 1
BJ1498 .N3 Spectatoritis / 1
BJ1498 .N33 1957c The community approach to the leisure problem : report, the role of the public school. 1
BJ1498 .N43 Report of the New York committee on the use of leasure time / 1
BJ1498 .O24 2018 Idleness : a philosophical essay / 1
BJ1498 .P33 2009 Professional morality and guilty bystanding : Merton's conjectures and the value of work / 1
BJ1498 .P495 2001 Philosophy and the problems of work : a reader / 1
BJ1498 .P513 1963 Leisure, the basis of culture / 1
BJ1498 .R645 2016 Free time / 1
BJ1498 .S46 2008 The craftsman / 1
BJ1498 .S46 2008eb The craftsman / 1
BJ1498 .S6 1888 Life and labor, or, Characteristics of men of industry, culture and genius / 1
BJ1498 .S84 2008 Work / 1
BJ1498 .S925 2016 Work / 1
BJ1498 .W48 2001 Crossing the unknown sea : work as a pilgrimage of identity / 2
BJ1498 ebook Técnicas y recursos de animación en actividades de tiempo libre (MF1868_2) /
Actividades de educación en el tiempo libre infantil y juvenil (MF1866_2) /
Procesos grupales y educativos en el tiempo libre infantil y juvenil (MF1867_2) /
BJ1499 Reveries : an Unfettered Mind. 1
BJ1499.R4 Descansa : produce más trabajando menos / 1