Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL1138.24.F7 2009eb Le Mahâbhârata, Tome IV : La treizième année. 1
BL1138.242 Das Buch des Waldes : Indische Sagen und Mythen aus dem Waldbuch des Mahābhārata / 1
BL1138.242.B55 E5 2008 Mahābhārata. 1
BL1138.242.D76 E5 2006 Mahābhārata. 1
BL1138.242.H37 D88 1950 Hariwaṅśa tekst en critisch apparaat / 2
BL1138.242.K37 E5 2006 Mahābhārata. 1
BL1138.242.N35 E5 2004 Nala and Damayanti : a tale of love, gambling, and adventure in ancient India / 1
BL1138.242.S22 E5 2006 Mahabharata. 1
BL1138.242.S24 E5 2005 Mahābhārata. 1
BL1138.242.S26 E5 2009 Mahābhārata. 1
BL1138.242.S28 E5 1998 The Sauptikaparvan of the Mahābhārata : the massacre at night / 1
BL1138.242.U39 E5 2008 Mahābhārata. 1
BL1138.242.U88 E5 2007 Uttara-gītā / 1
BL1138.242.V36 E5 2005 Mahābhārata. 1
BL1138.242.V57 E5 1987 Thousand names of Vishnu : a selection with commentary / 1
BL1138.242.V57 E5 2009 Samarpanam : Sri Vishnu sahasranama stotram : occuring in the Ānusasanika Parva of Sri Mahabharata with an English commentary / 1
BL1138.25 .K46 1994 Tales of love and war from the Mahabharat / 1
BL1138.25 .S59 2015 Mahabharata / 2
BL1138.25 .T53 1998 The Tharu barka naach : a rural folk art version of the Mahabharata as told by the Dangaura Tharu of Jalaura, Dang Valley, Nepal / 1
BL1138.26 Mahabharata Now : Narration, Aesthetics, Ethics /
When the Goddess was a Woman : Mahabharata Ethnographies - Essays by Alf Hiltebeitel, volume 2.
Exploring agency in the Mahābhārata : ethical and political dimensions of Dharma /
Exploring agency in the Mahābhārata : ethical and political dimensions of Dharma /
Ramopakhyana - The Story of Rama in the Mahabharata : a Sanskrit Independent-Study Reader.