Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BL1220 H47 | The ritual of battle : Krishna in the Mahābhārata / | 1 |
BL1220 .K54 | The sword and the flute : Kālī and Kṛṣṇa, dark visions of the terrible and the sublime in Hindu mythology / | 1 |
BL1220 .K733 2007 | Krishna : a sourcebook / | 1 |
BL1220 .K733 2007eb | Krishna : a sourcebook / | 1 |
BL1220 .M38 2001 | Kṛṣṇa, Lord or Avatāra? : the relationship between Kṛṣṇa and Viṣṇu : in the context of the Avatāra myth as presented by the Harivaṃśa, the Viṣṇupurāṇa and the Bhāgavatapurāṇa / | 1 |
BL1220 .M38 2001eb | Kṛṣṇa : lord or avatāra? : the relationship between Kṛṣṇa and Viṣṇu : in the context of the avatāra myth as presented by the Harivaṃśa, the Viṣṇupurāṇa and the Bhāgavatapurāṇa / | 1 |
BL1220 .M8 | Krishnavatara. | 1 |
BL1220 .P38 1996 | Kṛṣṇa's round dance reconsidered : Harirām Vyās's Hindi Rās-pañcādhyānī / | 1 |
BL1220 .P3813 2013eb | Kṛṣṇa's round dance reconsidered : Harirām Vyās's Hindi Rās-pañcādhyānī / | 1 |
BL1220 .P74 1984 | The Kṛṣṇa cycle in the purāṇas : themes and motifs in a heroic saga / | 1 |
BL1220 .R674 2023 | Forms of Krishna : collected essays on Vaishnava Murtis / | 1 |
BL1220 .S5 | Krishna : myths, rites, and attitudes / | 1 |
BL1220 .V38 1995 | Krishna, the playful divine / | 1 |
BL1220.2 .A57 2005 | Alternative Krishnas : regional and vernacular variations on a Hindu deity / | 1 |
BL1220.2 .A57 2005eb | Alternative Krishnas : regional and vernacular variations on a Hindu deity / | 1 |
BL1220.2 .K88 2002 | Kuñjabihāri-Stotraratnāvaliḥ : racanākārasya ekaviṃśatiḥ stotrāṇi saṅkalitāni / | 1 |
BL1220.2 .M3313 2006 | English rendering of Mahapurusha Madhavadeva's Namghosha : the oriental gem / | 1 |
BL1225 |
Defending God in sixteenth-century India : the Śsaiva oeuvre of Appaya Dk̄ṣita / Defending God in sixteenth-century India : the Śsaiva oeuvre of Appaya Dk̄ṣita / Cave of My Ancestors Vishwakarma and the Artisans of Ellora. |
3 |
BL1225.A42 B73 1981 | The Ṛgvedic Ādityas / | 1 |
BL1225.B35 M35 | The goddess Bargabhima a study. | 1 |