Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL1278.54 .P69 2022 The power of the Nāth yogīs : yogic charisma, political influence and social authority /
The power of the Nāth yogīs : yogic charisma, political influence and social authority /
BL1278.54 .Y64 2011 Yogi heroes and poets : histories and legends of the Naths / 1
BL1278.54 .Y64 2011eb Yogi heroes and poets : histories and legends of the Naths / 1
BL1278.545 .K3813 2007 Kaulajnana-nirnaya of the school of Matsyendranatha / 1
BL1278.573 .S37 2023 The archaeology of the Nātha Sampradāya in western India, 12th to 15th century / 1
BL1280 Guru to the world : the life and legacy of Vivekananda / 1
BL1280.V58 R37 1984 The political philosophy of Swami Vivekananda / 1
BL1280.23 .B434 2000 The Ramakrishna mission : the making of a modern Hindu movement / 1
BL1280.292.R36 Kālī's child : the mystical and the erotic in the life and teachings of Ramakrishna / 1
BL1280.292.R36 A25 2002 Selections from the gospel of Sri Ramakrishna : annotated & explained / 1
BL1280.292.R36 A275213 2011eb The original gospel of Ramakrishna : based on M.'s English text, abridged / 1
BL1280.292.R36 H59 1992 Great swan : meetings with Ramakrishna / 2
BL1280.292.R36 K75 1995 Kālī's child : the mystical and the erotic in the life and teachings of Ramakrishna / 1
BL1280.292.R36 L4513 1984 Ramakrishna and the vitality of Hinduism / 1
BL1280.292.R36 M34 2018 Infinite paths to infinite reality : Sri Ramakrishna and cross-cultural philosophy of religion / 1
BL1280.292.R36 M34 2018eb Infinite paths to infinite reality : Sri Ramakrishna and cross-cultural philosophy of religion / 1
BL1280.292.R36 P47 1991 Perspectives on Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Vedanta tradition / 1
BL1280.292.R36 S35 1989 Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa : a prophet for the new age / 1
BL1280.292.R36 S53 1989 Ramakrishna and Vivekananda : new perspectives / 1
BL1280.292.R36 S54 2009 Crazy in love of God : Ramakrishna's caritas divina / 1