BL1585 .C5313 2000x
The Roman cult of Mithras : the god and his mysteries / |
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BL1585 .C538 2017
The Roman Cult of Mithras : the God and His Mysteries / |
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BL1585 .C815 1981
Die Mysterien des Mithra : ein Beitrag zur Religionsgeschichte der römischen Kaiserzeit / |
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BL1585 .C83 1956
The Mysteries of Mithra / |
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BL1585 .C83 2018eb
The mysteries of Mithra : the definitive account of a crucial historical moment when a colorful oriental religion swept over the Roman Empire / |
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BL1585 .C87
Textes et monuments figurés relatifs aux mystères de Mithra / |
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BL1585 .D5 1923
Eine Mithrasliturgie / |
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BL1585 .G67 1996
Image and value in the Graeco-Roman world : studies in Mithraism and religious art / |
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BL1585 .I57 1971
Mithraic studies : proceedings / |
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BL1585 .I57 1975
Études mithriaques : actes du 2e Congrès international, Téhéran, du 1er au 8 septembre 1975. |
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BL1585 .I58 1978
Mysteria Mithrae : Atti del Seminario Internazionale su 'La specificatà storico-religiosa dei Misteri di Mithra, con particolare riferimento alle fonti documentarie di Roma e Ostia̕, Roma e Ostia 28-31 Marzo 1978 = Proceedings of the International Seminar on the ʻReligio-Historical Character of Roman Mithraism, with particular Reference to Roman and Ostian Sources̓, Rome and Ostia 28-31 March 1978 / |
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BL1585 .J68
Journal of Mithraic studies. |
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BL1585 .L28
Mithraism in Ostia : mystery religion and Christianity in the ancient port of Rome / |
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BL1585 .M38 1984
Mithras / |
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BL1585 .N33 2005
The mysteries of Mithras : the Pagan belief that shaped the Christian world / |
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BL1585 .R5
Mithras im römischen Köln. |
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BL1585 .R83 2011
Mushrooms, myth & Mithras : the drug cult that civilized Europe / |
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BL1585 .S67
Mithras-Orion : Greek hero and Roman army god / |
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BL1585 .T86 1981
Mithra et le mithriacisme / |
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BL1585 .T87
Mithras Platonicus : recherches sur l'hellénisation philosophique de Mithra / |
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