Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL1620 .R43 2011 Reading Akkadian prayers and hymns : an introduction / 1
BL1620 .S6 1934 Myths & legends of Babylonia & Assyria / 1
BL1620 .S6 1975 Myths & legends of Babylonia & Assyria / 1
BL1620 .S62 Babylonia and Assyria / 1
BL1625.A35 I97 2001 Adapa and the south wind : language has the power of life and death / 1
BL1625.A35 I97 2001eb Adapa and the south wind : language has the power of life and death / 1
BL1625.A5 The revival of the Anu cult and the nocturnal fire ceremony at late Babylonian Uruk / 1
BL1625.F35 T66 1995 Family religion in Babylonia, Ugarit, and Israel : continuity and changes in the forms of religious life / 1
BL1625.F35 T66 1996 Family religion in Babylonia, Ugarit, and Israel : continuity and changes in the forms of religious life / 1
BL1625.G6 H446 1903 Hymnen und Gebete an Marduk ; nebst einer Einleitung über die Religionsgeschicht-liche Bedentung Marduks. 1
BL1625.G6 K66 2023 The divine/demonic Seven and the place of demons in Mesopotamia / 1
BL1625.G6 O76 2005 The triumph of the symbol : pictorial representation of deities in Mesopotamia and the biblical image ban / 1
BL1625.L36 How To Do Things With Tears : Ritual Lamenting in Ancient Mesopotamia / 1
BL1625.M45 J66 1995 The topography of remembrance : the dead, tradition and collective memory in Mesopotamia / 1
BL1625.N37 S37 Alter Orient und Hellas : Fragen d. Beeinflussung griech. Gedankengutes aus altoriental. Quellen, dargest. an den Göttern Nergal, Rescheph, Apollon / 1
BL1630 .C7 Die Chaldäischen Orakel und Jamblich De mysteriis / 1
BL1635 .C49 2011 Die Ssabier und der Ssabismus. 1
BL1635 .H537 1972 Analyse critique des traditions arabes sur les Sabéens harraniens. 1
BL1640 Ritual and cult at Ugarit 1
BL1640 .A58 1987 An Anthology of religious texts from Ugarit / 1