Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL240.3 .W67 2007 The word and the world : biblical exegesis and early modern science / 1
BL240.3 .W67 2007eb The word and the world biblical exegesis and early modern science / 1
BL240.3 .W68 2010 The language God talks : on science and religion / 1
BL240.3 .Y65 2012 The cosmic breath : spirit and nature in the Christianity-Buddhism-science trialogue / 1
BL240.3 .Y65 2012eb The cosmic breath : spirit and nature in the Christianity-Buddhism-science trialogue / 1
BL240.3 .Y66 2011 The spirit of creation : modern science and divine action in the Pentecostal-charismatic imagination / 1
BL240.3 ebook El ser humano, historia, mitos, ovnis y un milagro : (al final la piedra siempre es la culpable) /
La relatividad, nueva perspectiva para rescatar conceptos de la fe.
Cautivado por el sentido : la ciencia, la fe y cómo tratamos de entender las cosas /
La evolución del yo, la unión del todo, 369 /
Einstein y la religión : relaciones entre ciencia y creencia /
BL241 New Directions in Theology and Science : Beyond Dialogue.
After Science and Religion Fresh Perspectives from Philosophy and Theology.
Religion and the challenges of science /
BL241 .A49 2022 After science and religion : fresh perspectives from philosophy and theology / 1
BL241 .B34 1993 Philosophie zwischen Wissenschaft, Religion und Politik / 1
BL241 .B37 1997 Beginning with the end : God, science, and Wolfhart Pannenberg / 1
BL241 .B49 2001 Beyond conflict and reduction between philosophy, science and religion / 1
BL241 .B76 1998 Reconstructing nature : the engagement of science and religion / 1
BL241 .B87 The light of day : religious discussions and criticisms from the naturalist's point of view / 1
BL241 .C317 2010 The Cambridge companion to science and religion 1
BL241 .C318 1991eb  
BL241 .C588 1995 Cosmic beginnings and human ends : where science and religion meet / 2
BL241 .E4 1929a Science and the unseen world / 1
BL241 .E96 1983 The Experiment of life : science and religion / 1
BL241 .E964 The Experiment of life : science and religion / 1