Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL241 .S3817 2012 Science and the world's religions / 1
BL241 .S382 1998 Science and theology : the new consonance / 1
BL241 .S4257 1993 The Search for harmony : essays on science and mormonism / 1
BL241 .S625 2009 Natural reflections : human cognition at the nexus of science and religion / 1
BL241 .S625 2009eb Natural reflections : human cognition at the nexus of science and religion /
Natural Reflections : Human Cognition at the Nexus of Science and Religion. /
BL241 .S69 2005 Spiritual information : 100 perspectives on science and religion / 1
BL241 .S749 2015 <> 1
BL241 .T55 2002 Time, reality, and transcendence in rational perspective / 1
BL241 .T66 1989 The Christian frame of mind : reason, order, and openness in theology and natural science / 1
BL241 .T67 1981 Christian theology and scientific culture / 1
BL241 .T68 The ground and grammar of theology / 1
BL241 .V35 1998 Duet or duel? : theology and science in a postmodern world / 1
BL241 .W47 2006eb Why the science and religion dialogue matters : voices from the International Society for Science and Religion / 1
BL241 .Z66 2002 Religion and science in the context of Chinese culture / 1
BL241 ebook III diálogo entre las ciencias, la filosofía y la teología. 2
BL245 Robert Grosseteste and the Pursuit of Religious and Scientific Learning in the Middle Ages
A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom : Volume 1, From Creation to the Victory of Scientific and Literary Methods.
A history of the warfare of science with theology in Christendom : from Creation to the victory of scientific and literary methods.
Science and development in Thai and South Asian buddhism /
Negotiating science and religion in America : past, present, and future /
Evangelicals and science in historical perspective /
Rethinking history, science, and religion : an exploration of conflict and the complexity principle /
The constant fire : beyond the science vs. religion debate /
Rhythm : a theological category /
The constant fire beyond the science vs. religion debate /
L'avenir de la science /
Faith and science in Russian religious thought /
Theology and the scientific imagination /
Science and Religion : Baden Powell and the Anglican Debate, 1800?1860 /
Religion, magic, and the origins of science in early modern England /
BL245 .A76 2012 Histoire des idées religieuses et scientifiques dans l'Europe moderne : quarante ans d'enseignement à l'École Pratique des Hautes Études / 1
BL245 .A84 2021 The Trinity Circle : anxiety, intelligence, and knowledge creation in nineteenth-century England / 2
BL245 .A88 2017 Observing God : Thomas Dick, evangelicalism, and popular science in Victorian Britain and America / 1
BL245 .B3 Issues in science and religion / 1