Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL325.F4 S762 1993 When God was a woman / 1
BL325.F4 W44 1982 Return of the goddess / 1
BL325.F4 W84 2015eb El peligro infinito : diosas, mujeres poderosas y héroes en cinco grandes épicas / 1
BL325.G55 H45 1985 Memories & visions of paradise : the spiritual heritage and destiny of mankind / 1
BL325.G55 N49 1984 L'âge d'or et l'âge de fer / 1
BL325.H23 T69 2006 Memories of our lost hands : searching for feminine spirituality and creativity / 1
BL325.H3 P7 Akephalos, der kopflose Gott / 1
BL325.H4 .B635 2014eb The healing goddess Gula : towards an understanding of ancient babylonian medicine / 1
BL325.H4 J3 1925 The healing gods of ancient civilizations / 1
BL325.H4 J3 1962 The healing gods of ancient civilizations. 1
BL325.H46 The myth of the modern hero : changing perceptions of heroism / 1
BL325.H46 G6 Myths of the hero / 1
BL325.H46 H3 Heroes and gods ; spiritual biographies in antiquity / 1
BL325.H46 I5 1990 In quest of the hero. 1
BL325.H46 L33 2017 Orion's guiding stars : the myth of the hero and the human instinct for story / 1
BL325.H46 M98 1982 Le Mythe du héros : actes du colloque interdisciplinaire, Centre aixois de recherches anglaises, 12-13-14 mars 1982. 1
BL325.H46 P33 2010 Superheroes and superegos : analyzing the minds behind the masks / 1
BL325.H46 P47 1982 Perspectives on nineteenth-century heroism : essays from the 1981 Conference of the Southeastern Nineteenth-Century Studies Association / 1
BL325.H46 R3 1949 The hero : a study in tradition, myth, and drama. 1
BL325.H46 S28 2011 Do the gods wear capes? : spirituality, fantasy, and superheroes / 1