Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL441 .O6 Ophiolatreia : an account of the rites and mysteries connected with the origin, rise, and development of serpent worship in various parts of the world, enriched with interesting traditions, and a full description of the celebrated serpent mounds & temples, the whole forming an exposition of one of the phases of phallic, or sex worship. 1
BL441 .S54 Serpent worship in ancient India / 1
BL441 .T38 1979 The nagas : once a world pervading mighty race of the serpent people / 1
BL441 .V6 1972 Indian serpent-lore, or, The nāgas in Hindu legend and art / 1
BL442 .D4 1898 Bird gods / 1
BL442 .D4 2000z Bird gods / 1
BL443.B8 C6 The horn and the sword : the history of the bull as symbol of power and fertility / 1
BL443.B8 R53 1998 The power of the bull / 1
BL443.B8 R53 1998eb The power of the bull / 1
BL443.C3 H4 1981 The cat in the mysteries of religion and magic / 1
BL443.C3 H7 1956 The cat in the mysteries of religion and magic. 1
BL443.C3 H7 1981 The cat in the mysteries of religion and magic / 1
BL443.D3 L387 2017 Le cerf : une symbolique chrétienne et musulmane / 1
BL443.D64 W45 1991 Myths of the dog-man / 1
BL444 .A48 1994 Sacred trees / 1
BL444 .B55 Der baumkultus der Hellenen : nach den gottesdienstlichen gebräuchen und den überlieferten bildwerken dargestellt. 1
BL444 .B56 2015eb Trees in the religions of early medieval England / 1
BL444 .C8 Cultus arborum : a descriptive account of Phallic tree worship : with illustrative legends, superstitions, usages, &c., exhibiting its origin and development amongst the eastern & western nations of the world from the earliest to modern times : with a bibliography of works upon and referring to the phallic cultus. 1
BL444 .H34 2001 The spirit of the trees : science, symbiosis, and inspiration / 1
BL444 .J3 The tree of life. : An archaeological study / 1