Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL453 .V53 A discovery of fire and salt discovering many secret mysteries, as well philosophicall, as theologicall. 2
BL457.M4 E4 Forgerons et alchimistes. 1
BL457.M4 E42 1971 The forge and the crucible / 1
BL457.M4 E43 1962 The forge and the crucible / 1
BL458 Death and the maiden : the curious relationship between the fear of the feminine and the fear of death /
Why are women more religious than men?
Women's studies in religion : a multicultural reader /
Saving the world : girlhood and evangelicalism in nineteenth-century literature /
Religion, Feminism, and Idoloclasm : Being and Becoming in the Women's Liberation Movement /
Appropriately Subversive : Modern Mothers in Traditional Religions /
Routledge Library Editions: Women and Religion.
Womanguides : readings toward a feminist theology /
Contemporary encounters in gender and religion European perspectives /
Women and the divine : touching transcendence /
Religion, gender, and wellbeing in Africa /
Material culture and women's religious experience in antiquity : an interdisciplinary symposium /
Gender and religion /
The Oxford handbook of feminist theology
BL458 .A53 2017 Re-visioning gender in philosophy of religion : reason, love and epistemic locatedness / 1
BL458 .A53 2023 Women and the Anglican Church Congress 1861-1938 : Space, Place and Agency / 1
BL458 .A55 The Annual review of women in world religions. 1
BL458 .A68 1993 An Anthology of sacred texts by and about women / 1
BL458 .A8 1988 L'exil féminin : antiféminisme et christianisme / 1
BL458 .B46 2009 Does God hate women? / 1
BL458.B46 2009 Does God Hate Women? 1
BL458 .B47 1998 Women and religion / 1
BL458 B47 1998 Women and religion / 1
BL458 .B57 1993 Blickwechsel : Frauen in Religion und Wissenschaft / 1
BL458 .B67 2008eb Sisters and saints : women and American religion / 2
BL458 .B687 2021 The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Women's Studies in Religion. 1
BL458 .B83 1986 Female fault and fulfilment in Gnosticism / 1
BL458 .C34 1996 The yoni : sacred symbol of female creative power / 1
BL458 .C35 1992 Mythological woman : contemporary reflections on ancient religious stories / 2