Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL458 .W5835 2018 Encyclopedia of women in world religions : faith and culture across history / 1
BL458 .W585 1987 Women of faith in dialogue / 2
BL458 .W588 1991 Women, religion, and sexuality : studies on the impact of religious teachings on women / 1
BL458 .W6 1985 Women, religion, and social change / 1
BL458 .W63 1985 Womanguides : readings toward a feminist theology / 1
BL458 .W64 2009 Women, religion, and the Atlantic world (1600-1800) / 1
BL458 .W65 Women in ritual and symbolic roles / 1
BL458 .W652 2009eb Women, Religion & the Atlantic World, 1600-1800 / 1
BL458 .W657 1979 Womanspirit rising : a feminist reader in religion / 1
BL458 .W659 2015eb Women's religious experience 1
BL458 .W6595 1984 Women's spirit bonding / 2
BL458 ebook Mary Douglas : la mirada antropológica de una católica / 2
BL460 .B7 1916 The sex worship and symbolism of primitive races : an interpretation / 1
BL460 .B7 1922 Sex worship and symbolism of primitive races : an interpretation / 1
BL460 .C3 Phallic worship : an outline of the worship of the generative organs, as being, or as representing, the divine creator, with suggestions as to the influence of the phallic idea on religious creeds, ceremonies, customs and symbolism, past and present / 1
BL460 .C3 2002 Phallic worship / 1
BL460 .C45 1990 Sheng zhi chong bai wen hua lun / 1
BL460 .C9 1974 Gods of myth and stone : phallicism in Japanese folk religion / 1
BL460 .D8 1805 Des divinite⁺ѓs ge⁺ѓne⁺ѓratrices, ou, Du culte du phallus chez les anciens et les modernes : des cultes du dieu de Lampsaque, de Pan, de Ve⁺ѓnus, etc., origine, motifs, conformite⁺ѓs, varie⁺ѓte⁺ѓs, progre⁺ђs, alte⁺ѓrations et abus de ces cultes chez diffe⁺ѓrens peuples de la terre, de leur continuation chez les indiens et les chre⁺ѓtiens d'Europe, des m¿أurs des nations et des tems ou⁺ђ ces cultes ont existe⁺ѓ / 1
BL460 .D82 The gods of generation : a history of phallic cults among ancients & moderns / 1