Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL48 D594 2012eb Dios actúa en la historia. 1
BL48 D594 2013eb Dios actúa en la historia. 1
BL48 .D67 1970b Natural symbols : explorations in cosmology / 1
BL48 .D7 Problems of religion : an introductory survey / 1
BL48 .E35 Religion and change / 1
BL48 .E3813 A History of religious ideas / 1
BL48 .E3813 1978  
BL48.E383 M37 1993 Reading and responding to Mircea Eliade's History of religious ideas : the lure of the late Eliade / 1
BL48 .E413 1959a The sacred and the profane : the nature of religion / 1
BL48 .F25 1974b The sociology of religion : an explanation of the unity and diversity in religion / 1
BL48 .F585 2016 The divine quest, East and West : a comparative study of ultimate realities / 1
BL48 .F589 2019 Formations of belief : historical approaches to religion and the secular / 1
BL48 .F589 2020 Formations of belief : historical approaches to religion and the secular / 1
BL48 .F6 1932a As I see religion / 1
BL48 .F74 1992eb A heart of wisdom religion and human wholeness /
A heart of wisdom : religion and human wholeness /
BL48 .F88 2007 The future of religion : toward a reconciled society / 1
BL48 .F89 2007eb The future of religion : toward a reconciled society / 1
BL48 .G241 2013eb Experiencias humanas y camino de fe : materiales para acompañar grupos de adultos / 1
BL48 .G34 1985 Le désenchantement du monde : une histoire politique de la religion / 1
BL48 .G3413 1997 The disenchantment of the world : a political history of religion / 1