Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BL488 .C65 1647 | The lives of the glorious Saint David Bishop of Menevia, patron of Wales and master of many Irish saints and also of Saint Kieran the first-borne saint of Ireland, first bishop and principall patron of the Diocesse of Ossorie / | 1 |
BL488 .H93 2022 | Bishop Æthelwold, his followers, and saints' cults in early medieval England : power, belief, and religious reform / | 1 |
BL488 (INTERNET) | Here begynneth the kalendre of the newe legende of Englande | 1 |
BL488 .M35 2005 | The making of saints : contesting sacred ground / | 1 |
BL488 .M35 2005eb | The making of saints : contesting sacred ground / | 1 |
BL488 -- M384 1898eb | The making of a saint / | 1 |
BL488 .N37 2014 | Narrative pattern and genre in hagiographic life writing : comparative perspectives from Asia to Europe / | 1 |
BL488 .R66 2017eb | Cross-cultural perspectives on hagiographical strategies : a comparative study of the 'standard lives' of St. Francis and Milarepa / | 2 |
BL488 .S32 1988 | Sainthood : its manifestation in world religions / | 1 |
BL488 .S35 1987 | Saints and virtues / | 1 |
BL488 .T74 1995 | Messengers : after-death appearances of saints and mystics / | 1 |
BL488 .W65 2000 | Women saints in world religions / | 1 |
BL490 -- H86 2001eb | Of Superstition And Enthusiasm. | 1 |
BL490 .P67 1992 | Aufklärung und Aberglaube : die deutsche Frühaufklärung im Spiegel ihrer Aberglaubenskritik / | 1 |
BL492 .R45 2001 | Religious truth / | 1 |
BL500 |
Eschatology as imagining the end : faith between hope and despair / Imaginations of death and the beyond in India and Europe / Contextualizing eschatology in African cultural and religious beliefs / The end(s) of time(s) : apocalypticism, messianism, and utopianism through the ages / |
5 |
BL500 .A34 2001 | Abendländische Eschatologie : ad Jacob Taubes / | 1 |
BL500 .A655 2023 | Apocalypse now : connected histories of eschatological movements from Moscow to Cusco, 15th-18th centuries / | 1 |
BL500 .A66 2000eb | Apocalyptic time / | 1 |
BL500 .E53 2008 | Endzeiten : Eschatologie in den monotheistischen Weltreligionen / | 1 |