Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL488 .C65 1647 The lives of the glorious Saint David Bishop of Menevia, patron of Wales and master of many Irish saints and also of Saint Kieran the first-borne saint of Ireland, first bishop and principall patron of the Diocesse of Ossorie / 1
BL488 .H93 2022 Bishop Æthelwold, his followers, and saints' cults in early medieval England : power, belief, and religious reform / 1
BL488 (INTERNET) Here begynneth the kalendre of the newe legende of Englande 1
BL488 .M35 2005 The making of saints : contesting sacred ground / 1
BL488 .M35 2005eb The making of saints : contesting sacred ground / 1
BL488 -- M384 1898eb The making of a saint / 1
BL488 .N37 2014 Narrative pattern and genre in hagiographic life writing : comparative perspectives from Asia to Europe / 1
BL488 .R66 2017eb Cross-cultural perspectives on hagiographical strategies : a comparative study of the 'standard lives' of St. Francis and Milarepa / 2
BL488 .S32 1988 Sainthood : its manifestation in world religions / 1
BL488 .S35 1987 Saints and virtues / 1
BL488 .T74 1995 Messengers : after-death appearances of saints and mystics / 1
BL488 .W65 2000 Women saints in world religions / 1
BL490 -- H86 2001eb Of Superstition And Enthusiasm. 1
BL490 .P67 1992 Aufklärung und Aberglaube : die deutsche Frühaufklärung im Spiegel ihrer Aberglaubenskritik / 1
BL492 .R45 2001 Religious truth / 1
BL500 Eschatology as imagining the end : faith between hope and despair /
Imaginations of death and the beyond in India and Europe /
Contextualizing eschatology in African cultural and religious beliefs /
The end(s) of time(s) : apocalypticism, messianism, and utopianism through the ages /
BL500 .A34 2001 Abendländische Eschatologie : ad Jacob Taubes / 1
BL500 .A655 2023 Apocalypse now : connected histories of eschatological movements from Moscow to Cusco, 15th-18th centuries / 1
BL500 .A66 2000eb Apocalyptic time / 1
BL500 .E53 2008 Endzeiten : Eschatologie in den monotheistischen Weltreligionen / 1