Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BL485 .K46 2021 | Mediums and magical things : statues, paintings, and masks in Asian places / | 1 |
BL485 .M47 1995 | No graven image? : Israelite aniconism in its ancient Near Eastern context / | 1 |
BL485 .P54 | The nurse of pious thoughts wherein is briefly shewed that the use which Roman Catholikes do make of sacred pictures, signes, and images is not idolatry or any other misdemeanour (as some imagine), but the nurse of pious thoughts and healthfull meditations / | 2 |
BL485 .S47 1995 | No other gods : the modern struggle against idolatry / | 1 |
BL485 .V6 1976 | De theologia gentili : Amsterdam, 1641 / | 1 |
BL485 .W3 1672 | A brief answer to the many calumnies of Dr. Henry More, in his pretended Antidote against idolatry. Shewing that no prudent person can, upon any rational ground, be deterr'd from returning to the communion of St. Peter's chair, by any of the doctors best and strongest evidences to the contrary. | 1 |
BL487 .C36 2011 | The Cambridge companion to miracles / | 2 |
BL487 .C76 2017 | The extraordinary in the ordinary : seven types of everyday miracle / | 1 |
BL487 .K43 1983 | Miracle in the early Christian world : a study in sociohistorical method / | 2 |
BL487 .K45 1984 | Miracles in dispute : a continuing debate / | 1 |
BL487 .M574 2016eb | Miracles : an encyclopedia of people, places, and supernatural events from antiquity to the present / | 1 |
BL487 .N34 2017 | Miracles : a very short introduction / | 1 |
BL487 .R45 1983 | Pagan-Christian conflict over miracle in the second century / | 1 |
BL487 .W35 1995 | Expect a miracle : the miraculous things that happen to ordinary people / | 1 |
BL487 .W35 1996 | Expect a miracle : the miraculous things that happen to ordinary people / | 1 |
BL487 .W45 2010 |
Miracles : Wonder and Meaning in World Religions. Miracles : wonder and meaning in world religions / |
2 |
BL487 .W65 2001 | Women and miracle stories : a multidisciplinary exploration / | 1 |
BL487 .W65 2004eb | Women and miracle stories : a multidisciplinary exploration / | 1 |
BL487 .W66 2000 | The book of miracles : the meaning of the miracle stories in Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam / | 2 |
BL488 | Fiction, memory, and identity in the cult of St. Maurus, 830-1270 | 1 |