Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL500 .E835 2021 Eschatology in antiquity : forms and functions / 1
BL500 .I55 [Illustration depicting a man with two angels]
[Illustration of three angels]
BL500 .M37 2022 A beautiful ending : the apocalyptic imagination and the making of the modern world /
A Beautiful Ending : The Apocalyptic Imagination and the Making of the Modern World /
BL500 .P76 2002 Progress, apocalypse, and completion of history and life after death of the human person in the world religions / 1
BL500 .P767 2016 Prophecy in the new millennium : when prophecies persist / 1
BL501 .A58 2012 Anthems of apocalypse : popular music and apocalyptic thought / 1
BL501 .A94 2016 Apocalyptic anxiety : religion, science and America's obsession with the end of the world /
Apocalyptic anxiety : religion, science, and America's obsession with the end of the world /
BL501 .A94 2016eb Apocalyptic anxiety religion, science and America's obsession with the end of the world / 1
BL501 .B38 1998 The fate of the dead : studies on Jewish and Christian apocalypses / 1
BL501 .B87 2014 Apocalypse of the alien god : Platonism and the exile of Sethian gnosticism / 3
BL501 .E53 1999 The encyclopedia of apocalypticism. 1
BL501 .E535 2019eb The end-times in medieval German literature : sin, evil, and the Apocalypse / 1
BL501.F46 2006 Dreams of Glory : the Sources of Apocalyptic Terror. 1
BL501 .F46 2016 Dreams of glory : the sources of apocalyptic terror / 1
BL501 .G6 An alarm to all priests, judges, magistrates, souldiers, and all people; inviting them to repentance and amendment of life : for the great day of the Lord is neer at hand / 1
BL501 .H55 2010 The apocalypse : a brief history / 1
BL501 .K45 1996 Apocalypse now and then : a feminist guide to the end of the world / 1
BL501 .O44 1994 Arguing the apocalypse : a theory of millennial rhetoric / 1
BL501.O44 1994 BL501 .O44 1998eb Arguing the Apocalypse : a Theory of Millennial Rhetoric. 1
BL501 .O44 1998eb Arguing the apocalypse : a theory of millennial rhetoric / 1