Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL51 .S577 Reason and God : encounters of philosophy with religion. 1
BL51 .S579 Religion and empiricism / 1
BL51 .S587 1964 The meaning and end of religion : a new approach to the religious traditions of mankind. 1
BL51 .S588 Towards a world theology : faith and the comparative history of religion / 2
BL51 .S5885 2009 The dice game of Shiva : how consciousness creates the universe / 1
BL51 .S6145 2014eb Sobering wisdom : philosophical explorations of twelve step spirituality / 1
BL51 .S6239 2018 The greatest possible being / 1
BL51 .S6256 Religion and the modern mind. 1
BL51 .S6256 1960 Religion and the modern mind. 1
BL51 .S6257 1969 Time and eternity : an essay in the philosophy of religion / 1
BL51 .S62587 2017 Why God? : explaining religious phenomena / 1
BL51 .S628 2008 The supernatural and natural selection : the evolution of religion / 1
BL51 .S628 2008eb The supernatural and natural selection the evolution of religion / 1
BL51 .S635 2012 A new biology of religion : spiritual practice and the life of the body / 2
BL51 .S637 2014eb  
BL51 .S64 2007 Phenomenology and mysticism : the verticality of religious experience / 1
BL51 .S65 2016 Naturalism and our knowledge of reality testing religious truth-claims / 1
BL51 .S655 Sense and nonsense in religion; an essay on the language and phenomenology of religion
Sense and nonsense in religion : an essay on the language and phenomenology of religion /
BL51 .S656 1993 Philosophy of religion : a universalist perspective / 1
BL51 .S66 2009 Religion in the national agenda : what we mean by religious, spiritual, secular / 1