Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL51 .W3713 1958b Nature, man and woman : a new approach to sexual experience. 1
BL51 .W3713 1960 Nature, man, and woman. 1
BL51 .W3713 1991 Nature, man and woman / 1
BL51 .W373 1991 The irony of theology and the nature of religious thought / 1
BL51 .W3735 2004 Transcendence and self-transcendence : on God and the soul / 1
BL51 .W3735 2004eb Transcendence and self-transcendence : on God and the soul / 1
BL51 .W3743 2012 The significance of religious experience 1
BL51 .W3745 2002 Poststructuralism, feminism, and religion : triangulating positions / 1
BL51 .W376 Man's ultimate commitment. 1
BL51 .W379 God, man, and the thinker : philosophies of religion. 1
BL51 .W384 2007 ""Wir hofften, jedes Jahr noch ein weiteres Symposium machen zu können"" : Zum 30. Internationalen Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg am Wechsel. 1
BL51 .W43 2015 A Comparative Doxastic-Practice Epistemology of Religious Experience 1
BL51 .W44 1984 God, guilt, and death : an existential phenomenology of religion / 1
BL51 .W45 2021 Divine hiddenness / 1
BL51 .W475 2017 In praise of heteronomy : making room for revelation / 1
BL51 .W5115 2021eb An introduction to the cognitive science of religion : connecting evolution, brain, cognition, and culture / 1
BL51 .W512 2001 How should we talk about religion? : inwardness, particularity, and translation / 1
BL51 .W53 Matters of faith and matters of principle : religious truth claims and their logic / 1
BL51 .W54 1981 Religion and truth : towards an alternative paradigm for the study of religion / 1
BL51 .W55 1991eb The irony of theology and the nature of religious thought / 2