Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL530 .B56 Anima mundi, or, An historical narration of the opinions of the ancients concerning man's soul after this life according to unenlightened nature / 1
BL530 .C45 1985 The immortality of the human soul / 1
BL530 .F7 1913 The belief in immortality and the worship of the dead / 1
BL530 .G7 The farther shore : an anthology of world opinion on the immortality of the soul / 1
BL530 (INTERNET) The immortality of the human soul, demonstrated by the light of nature in two dialogues.
The immortality of the soul, so farre forth as it is demonstrable from the knowledge of nature and the light of reason
Anima mundi, or, An historical narration of the opinions of the ancients concerning man's soul after this life according to unenlight[e]ned nature /
BL530 .M58 Immortality, religion, and morals. 1
BL530 .M6 1963 Ancient beliefs in the immortality of the soul : with some account of their influence on later views. 1
BL530 .P48 1970 Death and immortality / 1
BL530 .R69 La religion astrale des Pythagoriciens / 1
BL530 .S56 1992 The stairway to heaven / 1
BL530 .V8 1926 Immortal man : a study of funeral customs and of beliefs in regard to the nature and fate of the soul / 1
BL535 Imagining the afterlife in the ancient world /
Revival: Religion and the Future Life (1922) : the Development of the Belief in Life After Death By Authorities in the History of Religions /
The myth of an afterlife : the case against life after death /
Science of life after death /
Near-death experience in indigenous religions /
Sensing the divine influences of near-death, out-of-body & cognate neurology in shaping early religious behaviours /
BL535 .B373 Life after death / 1
BL535 .B435 2013 Gesicht und Schrift : die Erzählung von Jenseitsreisen in Antike und Mittelalter / 1
BL535 .B44 1995 Beyond death : theological and philosophical reflections on life after death / 1
BL535 .B725 2000 Das Jenseits : die Vorstellungen der Menschheit über das Leben nach dem Tod / 1
BL535 .B75 2001  
BL535 .B75 2002 The rise and fall of the afterlife : the 1995 Read-Tuckwell lectures at the University of Bristol / 1
BL535 .B75 2002eb The rise and fall of the afterlife : the 1995 Read-Tuckwell lectures at the University of Bristol / 1
BL535 .C37 2009 After lives : a guide to heaven, hell, and purgatory / 1