Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL60 .H4613 2000 Religion as a chain of memory / 1
BL60 .H47 2013eb Creating community cohesion : religion, media and multiculturalism / 1
BL60 .H475 2017 Hijacked : a critical treatment of the public rhetoric of good and bad religion / 1
BL60 .H57 2011 History, time, meaning, and memory : ideas for the sociology of religion / 1
BL60 .H64 The sociology of religion. 1
BL60 .H839 Religion and Everyday Life. 1
BL60 .H839 2005eb Religion and everyday life 1
BL60 .H84 2002 Religion in Western society / 1
BL60 .I34 1997 The ideal in the world's religions : essays on the person, family, society, and environment / 1
BL60 .I43 2004 Shūkyō to kōkyō tetsugaku : seikatsu sekai no supirichuariti / 1
BL60 .I48 2011 Rita shugi to shūkyō / 1
BL60 .I5 Internationales Jahrbuch für Religionssoziologie. : International yearbook for the sociology of religion. 1
BL60 .I54 1994 La influencia de la religión en la sociedad española / 1
BL60 .J3 1940 The social function of religion : a comparative study / 1
BL60 .J63 Religion and society in interaction : the sociology of religion / 1
BL60 .J64 2016 Religion in society a sociology of religion / 1
BL60 .J8 Religious pluralism and world community. : Interfaith and intercultural communication / 1
BL60 .K29 1988 Religion and ritual in rural India : a case study in Kumaon / 1
BL60 .K54 2014 The location of religion : a spatial analysis / 1
BL60 .K546 1999 Religionssoziologie / 1