Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL604.B64 I43 2010 Images of the body in India / 1
BL604.B64I43 2010 Images of the Body in India. 1
BL604.B64 I43 2010eb Images of the body in India 1
BL604.B64 O94 1992 The body divine : the symbol of the body in the works of Teilhard de Chardin and Rāmānuja /
The Body Divine : the Symbol of the Body in the Works of Teilhard de Chardin and Ramanuja /
BL604.B64 O94 1992eb The body divine : the symbol of the body in the works of Teilhard de Chardin and Rāmānuja / 1
BL604.B64 P47 2011 Perceiving the divine through the human body mystical sensuality / 1
BL604.B64 R44 1997 Religion and the body / 1
BL604.B64 R45 1995 Religious reflections on the human body / 1
BL604.B64 R45 1995eb Religious reflections on the human body / 1
BL604.B64 T73 2014 Transhumanism and the body : the world religions speak / 3
BL604.B64 T735 2020 Transformational embodiment in Asian religions : subtle bodies, spatial bodies / 2
BL604.C5 B35 2010eb The circle way : a leader in every chair / 1
BL604.C7 G83 1957 Le symbolisme de la croix / 1
BL604.G7 M37 1981 The grail : quest for the eternal / 1
BL604.H6 E4 Horns of honour : and other studies in the by-ways of archæology / 1
BL604.H6 M44 The horned Moses in medieval art and thought. 2
BL604.R6 Z4 1942a Das Schwirrholz : Untersuchung über die Verbreitung und Bedeutung der Schwirren im Kult / 1
BL604.S8 B7 The swastika a study of the Nazi claims of its Aryan origin / 1
BL604.S8 B7 1933 The swastika : a study of the Nazi claims of its Aryan origin / 1
BL604.S8 H45 2000 The swastika : a symbol beyond redemption? / 1