Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL624 .A47 Retreat into eternity : an Upanishad-book of aphorisms / 1
BL624 .A795 2009 Spirituality and aging / 1
BL624 .A795 2009eb Spirituality and aging / 2
BL624 .A845 2019 Wake up humankind / 1
BL624 .A87 2021 Assessing spirituality in a diverse world / 1
BL624 .A97 2004 Frithjof Schuon : life and teachings / 1
BL624 .A97 2004eb Frithjof Schuon : life and teachings / 1
BL624 .B463 2019 On the Mystery of Being : Contemporary Insights on the Convergence of Science and Spirituality. 1
BL624 .B4634 2000 Wandering God : a study in nomadic spirituality / 1
BL624 .B4638 2009 The sacred universe : earth, spirituality, and religion in the twenty-first century / 1
BL624 .B4644 2016 Between faith and belief : toward a contemporary phenomenology of religious life / 1
BL624 .B533 2016eb Liderazgo Espiritual : Cómo movilizar a las personas hacia el propósito de Dios. 1
BL624 .B6358 2014 The ecology of spirituality : meanings, virtues, and practices in a post-religious age / 1
BL624 .B6358 2014eb The ecology of spirituality : meanings, virtues, and practices in a post-religious age / 1
BL624 .B69 1984 The notebooks of Paul Brunton / 1
BL624 .B694 2016eb The God Beyond Organized Religion. 1
BL624 .B89 2005eb 50 spiritual classics : timeless wisdom from 50 great books of inner discovery, enlightenment, and purpose / 1
BL624 .C347 1994 In the path of the masters : understanding the spirituality of Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, and Muhammed / 1
BL624 .C3475 2005 Selling spirituality : the silent takeover of religion / 1
BL624 .C3475 2005eb Selling spirituality : the silent takeover of religion / 2