Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL660 .D793513 1983 The stakes of the warrior / 1
BL660 .D79413 The destiny of the warrior.
The destiny of the warrior /
BL660 .D79414 The destiny of the warrior / 1
BL660 .D8 1948 Mitra-Varuna : essai sur deux représentations indo-européenes de la souveraineté 1
BL660 .D813 1988 Mitra-Varuna : an essay on two Indo-European representations of sovereignty / 1
BL660 .G57 1993 Feuergötter zwischen der Bretagne und Indien : die Indogermanen / 1
BL660 .H28 1987 La religion cosmique des Indo-Européens / 1
BL660 .H65 1982 Homage to Georges Dumézil / 1
BL660 .K8 1968 Die Herabkunft des Feuers und des Göttertranks. 1
BL660 .L44 1991 Death, war, and sacrifice : studies in ideology and practice / 1
BL660 .L45 1986 Myth, cosmos, and society : Indo-European themes of creation and destruction / 1
BL660 .M48 Indogermanische mythen ... / 1
BL660 .M9 Myth and law among the Indo-Europeans : studies in Indo-European comparative mythology / 1
BL660 .O57 1985 The war of the gods : the social code in Indo-European mythology / 1
BL660 .S28 1916 Arische religion / 1
BL660 .S445 2018 Soma and the Indo-European priesthood : cereal cultivation and the origins of religion / 1
BL660 .S736 1992 The cosmic contest : a systems study in Indo-European epic, myth, cult and cosmogony / 1
BL660 .W47 2007 Indo-European poetry and myth / 1
BL660 .W49 2021 Daemons are forever : contacts and exchanges in the Eurasian pandemonium /
Dæmons are forever : contacts and exchanges in the Eurasian pandemonium /
BL660 .W56 1995 Heaven, heroes, and happiness : the Indo-European roots of Western ideology / 1