BL65.M4 .D57 2015eb
Disease, religion, and healing in Asia : collaborations and collisions / |
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BL65.M4 D67 1993
Healing words : the power of prayer and the practice of medicine / |
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BL65.M4 E44 2021
Enhancing nurses' and midwives' competence in providing spiritual care : through innovative education and compassionate care / |
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BL65.M4 E89 2013eb
The essential guide to religious traditions and spirituality for health care providers / |
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BL65.M4 E895 2017
Essential readings in Medicine and religion / |
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BL65.M4 ebook
El oficio de médico : el médico debe ser el instrumento de la compasión del señor / |
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BL65.M4 .F35 2009eb
Faith and fertility attitudes towards reproductive practices in different religions from ancient to modern times / |
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BL65.M4 F36 2008
Faith, health, and healing in African American life / |
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BL65.M4 F47 2014
Medicine and religion : a historical introduction / |
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BL65.M4 G67 2011
Spiritual care for healthcare professionals reflecting on clinical practice / |
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BL65.M4 G86 2012
Religion and the health of the public shifting the paradigm / |
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BL65.M4 H435 1999
Healing in religion and society, from Hippocrates to the Puritans : selected studies / |
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BL65.M4 H46 1998
Handbook of religion and mental health / |
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BL65.M4 H626 2015
Spiritual assessment in social work and mental health practice / |
1 |
BL65.M4 H655 2016
Religions, Culture and Healthcare : a Practical Handbook for Use in Healthcare Environments, Second Edition / |
2 |
BL65.M4 H77 1983
Exorcising the trouble makers : magic, science, and culture / |
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BL65.M4 I43 2022ab
How to heal toxic thoughts : simple tools for personal transformation / |
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BL65.M4 I45 1991
Soul retrieval : mending the fragmented self / |
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BL65.M4 K5
Faith Spirituality and Medicine. |
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BL65.M4 K55 2000
Faith, spirituality, and medicine toward the making of the healing practitioner / |
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