Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL65.P7 C75 2011 Radical political theology : religion and politics after liberalism / 1
BL65.P7 C75 2011eb Radical political theology : religion and politics after liberalism / 1
BL65.P7 D43 2012 Decolonizing the body of Christ : theology and theory after empire? /
Decolonizing the body of Christ theology and theory after empire? /
BL65.P7 D46 2001 Crossing the gods : world religions and worldly politics / 1
BL65.P7 D465 2007 Democracy and the new religious pluralism / 1
BL65.P7 D47 1999 The desecularization of the world : resurgent religion and world politics / 1
BL65.P7 D48 2010 Development and politics from below : exploring religious spaces in the African state / 1
BL65.P7 D58 2014e God talk : experimenting with the religious causes of public opinion / 1
BL65.P7 D69 2015 Christianity, Islam and liberal democracy : lessons from sub-Saharan Africa / 1
BL65.P7 D75 2014 Religion and democratization : framing religious and political identities in Muslim and Catholic societies / 2
BL65.P7 D86 2016eb A History of Orthodox, Islamic, and Western Christian Political Values / 1
BL65.P7 E23 2002 Religious conviction in liberal politics / 1
BL65.P7 .E23 2002eb Religious conviction in liberal politics / 2
BL65.P7 E43 1995 Covenant and commonwealth : from Christian separation through the Protestant Reformation / 1
BL65.P7 E43 1995 v.1 Covenant & polity in Biblical Israel : Biblical foundations & Jewish expressions / 1
BL65.P7 E43 1995 vol. 1 Covenant & polity in Biblical Israel : Biblical foundations & Jewish expressions / 1
BL65.P7 E43 1995 vol. 2 Covenant and commonwealth : from Christian separation through the Protestant Reformation / 1
BL65.P7 E43 1995 vol. 3 Covenant & constitutionalism : the great frontier and the matrix of federal democracy / 1
BL65.P7 E43 1995 vol. 4 Covenant and civil society : the constitutional matrix of modern democracy / 1
BL65.P7 E43 2021 Faith, nationalism, and the future of liberal democracy. 1