Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL65.W2 W68 2009eb World religions and norms of war / 1
BL65.W42 Poverty and wealth in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam /
Faith and Money : How Religion Contributes to Wealth and Poverty.
BL65.W42 (INTERNET) Here beginneth a necessarie instruction for all couetous ryche men to beholde [and] learne what perel [and] daunger they be brought into, yf they haue theyr consolacion in theyr daungerous and myserable Mammon 1
BL65.W42 K45 2011eb Faith and money : how religion contributes to wealth and poverty / 1
BL65.W42 N44 1991 Money and the meaning of life / 2
BL65.W42 V58 2016eb The awakened millionaire : a manifesto for the spiritual wealth movement / 1
BL65.W48 Witnessing whiteness / 1
BL65.W48 G37 2003 Gods of the blood the pagan revival and White separatism / 1
BL65.W48 R55 1962 Heart and blood government : all because what this book reveals and explains, and also the good it is going to do for all people . 1
BL65.W57 Wisdoms of humanity : Buddhism, paganism, and Christianity / 2
BL65.W57 (INTERNET) No wicked man a wise man, true wisdom described the excellency of spiritual, experimental, and saving knowledge, above all humane wisdom and learning ... / 1
BL65.W67 Workplace spirituality : making a difference /
Spirituality in the workplace : a tool for relations, sustainability and growth in turbulent and interconnected markets /
Shape-shifting capital : spiritual management, critical theory, and the ethnographic project /
Bringing your soul to work : an everyday practice /
Faith traditions and practices in the workplace.
BL65.W67 E88 2002 Ethics and spirituality at work : hopes and pitfalls of the search for meaning in organizations / 1
BL65.W67 F65 2022 Followership and faith at work : biblical perspectives / 1
BL65.W67 G65 2015 Shape-shifting capital : spiritual management, critical theory, and the ethnographic project / 1
BL65.W67 H36 2010 Handbook of workplace spirituality and organizational performance / 1
BL65.W67 H36 2013 Handbook of faith and spirituality in the workplace : emerging research and practice / 2
BL65.W67 H36 2015 Handbook of workplace spirituality and organizational performance / 1
BL65.W67 H36 2017 Handbook of religion and spirituality in social work practice and research / 2
BL65.W67 H363 2022 Handbook of research on integrating spirituality in modern workplaces / 1