Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL730 .R67 Some problems of classical religion : the Eitrem lectures delivered at the University of Oslo, March 1955. 1
BL735 .A43 2000 The house of Hades : studies in ancient Greek eschatology / 1
BL735 .E36 2004 Myths of the underworld journey Plato, Aristophanes, and the "Orphic" gold tablets / 1
BL735 .E36 2004eb Myths of the underworld journey Plato, Aristophanes, and the "Orphic" gold tablets / 1
BL735 E36 2004eb Myths of the underworld journey : Plato, Aristophanes, and the 'Orphic' gold tablets / 1
BL740 .B66 2006 Etruscan myths / 1
BL740 .J3613 2005 Religion in ancient Etruria / 1
BL740 .R45 2006 The religion of the Etruscans / 1
BL740 .R45 2006eb The religion of the Etruscans / 2
BL760.B76 M44 1987 The bronze liver of Piacenza : analysis of a polytheistic structure / 1
BL780 .B4 Der Atridenmythos in Epos, Lyrik und Drama / 1
BL780 .C3 Eros and Psyche : a fairy-tale of ancient Greece, retold after Apuleius. / 1
BL780 .P34 1656 Galaiphatou peri apiston Palaephati De incredibilibus / 2
BL781 .C55 1969 Greek religious thought, from Homer to the age of Alexander. 1
BL781 .E97 1968 Heroes, gods and monsters of the Greek myths 1
BL781 .F3 1910 A handbook of Greek religion / 1
BL781 .F3 1912 The higher aspects of Greek religion : lectures delivered at Oxford and in London in April and May, 1911 / 1
BL781 .F37 2010eb Cults of the greek states / 1
BL781 .F4 Cults of the Greek states. 1
BL781 .F43 1974 Outline-history of Greek religion / 1