Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL788 .C46 2007 La norme en matière religieuse en Grèce ancienne : actes du XIe colloque du CIERGA, Rennes, septembre 2007 / 1
BL788 .G745 2013 Grenzen in Ritual und Kult der Antike : internationales Kolloquium, Basel, 5.-6. November 2009 / 1
BL788 .L66 1993 Dance and ritual play in Greek religion / 1
BL788 .L87 2005 Greek sacred law : a collection of new documents (NGSL) / 1
BL788 .L87 2005eb Greek sacred law : a collection of new documents (NGSL) / 1
BL788 .L87 2009eb Greek sacred law : a collection of new documents (NGSL) / 1
BL788 .P37 1983 Miasma : pollution and purification in early Greek religion / 1
BL788 .R58 2006 Ritual and communication in the Graeco-Roman world / 1
BL790 On Greek religion / 1
BL790 .A66 1990 Approaches to Greek myth / 3
BL790 .C66 2007 A companion to Greek religion / 1
BL790 .C66 2007eb A companion to Greek religion
A companion to Greek religion /
BL790 .E25 1982 The Olympians / 1
BL790 .F47 Études de religion grecque et hellenistique / 1
BL790 .G48 2010 Gewalt und Opfer : im Dialog mit Walter Burkert / 1
BL790 .G73 2007eb Ritual texts for the afterlife : Orpheus and the Bacchic Gold Tablets / 1
BL790 .G73 2013 Ritual texts for the afterlife : Orpheus and the Bacchic Gold Tablets / 1
BL790 .G73 2013eb Ritual texts for the afterlife : Orpheus and the Bacchic Gold Tablets / 3
BL790 .G74 1985 Greek religion and society / 1
BL790 .L44 2003 Greek gods, human lives : what we can learn from myths / 1