BL793.T7 S88 1993
Black ships before Troy : the story of the Iliad / |
1 |
BL793.T7 T47 2005
The Trojan War / |
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BL793.T7 W55 1996
The Iliad and the Odyssey / |
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BL793.T8 D54 2002
Economy of the sacred in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor / |
1 |
Civic Priests : Cult Personnel in Athens from the Hellenistic Period to Late Antiquity. |
1 |
BL795.A54 A55 2021
Animals in ancient Greek religion / |
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BL795.A54 .A556 2016
Animals in Greek and Roman Religion and Myth. |
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BL795.A54 ebook
Animales y dioses en la Grecia prehomérica. |
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BL795.A54 G55 2006
Animals, gods and humans : changing attitudes to animals in Greek, Roman and early Christian ideas / |
1 |
BL795.A54 G55 2006eb
Animals, gods and humans : changing attitudes to animals in Greek, Roman and early Christian ideas / |
1 |
BL795.A54 I58 2017
Interactions between animals and humans in Graeco-Roman antiquity / |
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BL795.A54 R57 2012
The ritual killing and burial of animals : European perspectives / |
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BL795.A56 H36 1992
Choes and anthesteria : Athenian iconography and ritual / |
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BL795.A7 D4713 1977b
The gardens of Adonis : spices in Greek mythology / |
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BL795.C55 R335 1936
Die Bedeutung der weissen und der schwarzen Farbe in Kult und Brauch der Griechen und Römer / |
1 |
BL795.C57 M35 1987
Religion and colonization in ancient Greece / |
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BL795.D4 G37 1985
The Greek way of death / |
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BL795.D4 G37 2001
The Greek way of death / |
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BL795.D4 M33 2020
Underworld gods in ancient Greek religion : death and reciprocity / |
2 |
BL795.D4 S35 1970
Frühgriechischer Totenglaube : Untersuchungen z. Totenglauben d. myken. u. homer. Zeit. |
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