BL805 .G37 2020
Worshippers of the gods : debating paganism in the fourth century Roman West / |
1 |
BL805 .G7
The sword and the cross. |
1 |
BL805 .G8 1951
Religious toleration and persecution in ancient Rome / |
1 |
BL805 .G834 2006
Im Schmelztiegel der Religionen : Göttertausch bei Kelten, Römern und Germanen / |
1 |
BL805 .H47
Römische Götteraltäre : Werner Hermann. |
1 |
BL805 .H86 2016
Reviving Roman religion : sacred trees in the Roman world / |
2 |
BL805 .I47 2006
The impact of imperial Rome on religions, ritual and religious life in the Roman Empire : proceedings of the fifth workshop of the International Network, Impact of empire (Roman Empire, 200 B.C.--A.D. 476), Münster, June 30-July 4, 2004 / |
1 |
BL805 .K45 2018
Prophets, prophecy, and oracles in the Roman Empire : Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman cultures / |
1 |
BL805 .K455 2018eb
Prophets, Prophecy, and Oracles in the Roman Empire : Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman Cultures. |
1 |
BL805 .K54 2020
Roman cult images : the lives and worship of idols, from the Iron Age to late antiquity / |
2 |
BL805 .K56 2020
The ancient Roman afterlife : di manes, belief, and the cult of the dead / |
2 |
BL805 .L3 1963
Survivals of Roman religion. |
1 |
BL805 .L333 1971
Städtische Priester- und Kultämter im lateinischen Westen des Imperium romanum zur Kaiserzeit. |
1 |
BL805 .L35 2013eb
Pollution and religion in ancient Rome / |
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BL805 .L35 2014
Pollution and religion in ancient Rome / |
1 |
BL805 .L4
The official priests of Rome under the Julio-Claudians : a study of the nobility from 44 B. C. to 68 A. D. |
1 |
BL805 .L56 2009
Roman gods : a conceptual approach / |
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BL805 .L56 2009eb
Roman gods a conceptual approach / |
3 |
BL805 .M32 1982
Prodigy and expiation : a study in religion and politics in Republican Rome / |
1 |
BL805 .M33
Prodigy and expiation : a study in religion and politics in Republican Rome / |
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