Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL820.C63 D27 1998 Il culto di Concordia e la lotta politica tra IV e II sec. a.C. / 1
BL820.C65 C37 1986 Eros the bittersweet : an essay / 1
BL820.C65 .C87 1664 Cupid's povver lovers forbear to grieve, be no more sad, here is such news will make your hearts right glad, rouse up your selves, take courage and be bold, look here is Cupids power for to be sold : and now a fig for Cupid or his dart, without his power he cannot wound thy heart : to the tune of Dick and Nan : or, The tyrant. 1
BL820.C65 F57 1974 Amor und Cupido : Untersuchungen über den römischen Liebesgott / 1
BL820.C8 B6713 2004 Mother of the gods : from Cybele to the Virgin Mary / 1
BL820.C8 C83 1996 Cybele, Attis and related cults : essays in memory of M.J. Vermaseren / 1
BL820.C8 ebook Los Cultos de Mater Magna y Atis en Hispania 1
BL820.C8 G6 1886 De Matris Magnae apud Romanos cultu. 1
BL820.C8 M86 2006 The Mother of the Gods, Athens, and the tyranny of Asia : a study of sovereignty in ancient religion / 1
BL820.C8 M86 2006eb The Mother of the Gods, Athens, and the tyranny of Asia : a study of sovereignty in ancient religion / 3
BL820.C8 P44 2009 Cibele Frigia e la Sicilia : i santuari rupestri nel culto della dea / 1
BL820.C8 R65 1999 In search of god the mother : the cult of Anatolian Cybele / 1
BL820.C8 R66 2008 Romanising oriental Gods : myth, salvation, and ethics in the cults of Cybele, Isis, and Mithras / 1
BL820.C8 R66 2008eb Romanising oriental Gods : myth, salvation, and ethics in the cults of Cybele, Isis, and Mithras / 1
BL820.C8 S48 1985 Soteriology and mystic aspects in the cult of Cybele and Attis / 1
BL820.C8 S5 1901a The great mother of the gods / 1
BL820.C8 V44 Corpus cultus Cybelae Attidisque (CCCA) / 1
BL820.C8 V4513 Cybele and Attis : the myth and the cult / 1
BL820.C83 Cyclops : the myth and its cultural history / 2
BL820.C83 F57 1991 Cyclops / 1