Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL820.C13 E38 1979 Kadmos the Phoenician : a study in Greek legends and the Mycenaean age / 1
BL820.C2 The cult of Castor and Pollux in ancient Rome : myth, ritual, and society / 2
BL820.C2 W35 2015 Twin horse gods : the dioskouroi in mythologies of the ancient world / 1
BL820.C5 A44 2002 Demeter and Persephone : lessons from a myth / 1
BL820.C5 C37 1997 Life's daughter/death's bride : inner transformations through the goddess Demeter/Persephone / 1
BL820.C5 H55 1998 Der Kult von Demeter und Kore auf Sizilien und in der Magna Graecia / 1
BL820.C5 L66 1994 The Long journey home : re-visioning the myth of Demeter and Persephone for our time / 1
BL820.C5 R33 2007 The lost girls : Demeter-Persephone and the literary imagination, 1850-1930 / 2
BL820.C5 S63 1996 The Roman goddess Ceres / 1
BL820.C6 P3 Kirke und Odysseus. : Überlieferung u. Deutung von Homer bis Calderon. 1
BL820.C6 P6 1954 A defense of Circe / 1
BL820.C6 T6 1992 Der allegorisch gedeutete Kirke-Mythos : Studien zur Entwicklungs-und Rezeptionsgeschichte / 1
BL820.C63 Il culto di Concordia e la lotta politica tra IV e II sec. a.C. / 1
BL820.C63 D27 1998 Il culto di Concordia e la lotta politica tra IV e II sec. a.C. / 1
BL820.C65 C37 1986 Eros the bittersweet : an essay / 1
BL820.C65 .C87 1664 Cupid's povver lovers forbear to grieve, be no more sad, here is such news will make your hearts right glad, rouse up your selves, take courage and be bold, look here is Cupids power for to be sold : and now a fig for Cupid or his dart, without his power he cannot wound thy heart : to the tune of Dick and Nan : or, The tyrant. 1
BL820.C65 F57 1974 Amor und Cupido : Untersuchungen über den römischen Liebesgott / 1
BL820.C8 B6713 2004 Mother of the gods : from Cybele to the Virgin Mary / 1
BL820.C8 C83 1996 Cybele, Attis and related cults : essays in memory of M.J. Vermaseren / 1
BL820.C8 ebook Los Cultos de Mater Magna y Atis en Hispania 1