Call Number (LC) Title Results
BM176 .B573 Palestinian Judaism in the time of Jesus Christ / 1
BM176 .B65 1999 Dying for God : martyrdom and the making of Christianity and Judaism / 1
BM176 .C435 2014eb Sectarianism in early Judaism : sociological advances / 1
BM176 .C614 1999 The beginnings of Jewishness : boundaries, varieties, uncertainties / 1
BM176 .C614 1999eb The beginnings of Jewishness : boundaries, varieties, uncertainties / 1
BM176 .C615 1987 From the Maccabees to the Mishnah / 2
BM176 .C64 1983 Between Athens and Jerusalem : Jewish identity in the Hellenistic Diaspora / 1
BM176 .C64 2000 Between Athens and Jerusalem : Jewish identity in the Hellenistic diaspora / 1
BM176 .C645 2005 Jewish cult and Hellenistic culture : essays on the Jewish encounter with Hellenism and Roman rule / 1
BM176 .C645 2005eb Jewish cult and Hellenistic culture : essays on the Jewish encounter with Hellenism and Roman rule / 1
BM176 .C65 2020 A Companion to late ancient Jews and Judaism : third century BCE to 7th century CE / 3
BM176 .C75 1999 The crisis of Israelite religion : transformation of religious tradition in exilic and post-exilic times / 1
BM176 .D378 1996 Sects and scrolls : essays on Qumran and related topics / 1
BM176 .D53 1992 Diaspora Jews and Judaism : essays in honor of, and in dialogue with, A. Thomas Kraabel / 1
BM176 .E18 1986b Early Judaism and its modern interpreters / 1
BM176 .E27 2018 Early Judaism : new insights and scholarship / 1
BM176 .E342 2012 Early Judaism : a comprehensive overview / 1
BM176.E342 2012 Early Judaism : a Comprehensive Overview. 1
BM176 .E44 2000 The survivors of Israel : a reconsideration of the theology of pre-Christian Judaism / 1
BM176 .E45 1989 Emerging Judaism : studies on the fourth & third centuries B.C.E. / 2