Call Number (LC) Title Results
BM45 .C59 1991 Studies in the variety of rabbinic cultures / 1
BM45 .C61 1977 ʻIyunim be-Yahadut uvi-veʻayot ha-dor : peraḳim mi-tokh ketavim Yehudiyim / 1
BM45 .C613 1971 Reason and hope; selections from the Jewish writings of Hermann Cohen.
Reason and hope ; selections from the Jewish writings of Hermann Cohen /
BM45 .C644 2010 The Significance of Yavneh and Other Essays in Jewish Hellenism. 1
BM45 .C66 2020 I am the tree of life : my Jewish yoga book / 1
BM45 .D46 2013 Reb Zalman gathers figs : a study of Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi's reading of biblical text to re-vision Judaism for the present day / 1
BM45 .E6 Selected works of Hyman G. Enelow / 1
BM45.F564 2016 Passionate Centrism : One Rabbi's Judaism. 1
BM45 .G37 2004 Double takes : thinking and rethinking issues of modern Judaism in ancient contexts / 1
BM45 .G844 2017 La cábala / 1
BM45 .H452 Being Jewish in America : the modern experience / 1
BM45 .H454 1966a The insecurity of freedom : essays on human existence. 1
BM45 .H4549 1996 Moral grandeur & spiritual audacity : essays / 1
BM45 .H455 1975 The wisdom of Heschel / 1
BM45 .H458 The Jews of modernity. 1
BM45 .H5813 Judaism eternal : selected essays from the writings of Samson Raphael Hirsch / 1
BM45 .H84 2013eb The study of Judaism : authenticity, identity, scholarship / 1
BM45 .H87 2019  
BM45 .I34 2010 Old worlds, new mirrors : on Jewish mysticism and twentieth-century thought / 1
BM45 .I89 2011 The uncovered head : Jewish culture: new perspectives /
The Uncovered Head : Jewish Culture.