Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BM496.9.P75 N48 2011eb | The rabbis and the prophets / | 1 |
BM496.9.S48 B69 1995eb | Carnal Israel : reading sex in Talmudic culture / | 1 |
BM496.9.S48 K54 2016eb | Sexuality in the Babylonian Talmud : Christian and Sasanian contexts in late antiquity / | 1 |
BM496.9.S48 N48 1993 | Androgynous Judaism : masculine and feminine in the dual Torah / | 1 |
BM496.9.S48 P47 1997 | Spinning fantasies : rabbis, gender, and history / | 1 |
BM496.9.S48 R6713 2009 |
Wisdom of love : man, woman & God in Jewish Canonical literature / Wisdom of love : man, woman & God in Jewish canonical literature / |
2 |
BM496.9.S48 S26 1995 | Tasting the dish : rabbinic rhetorics of sexuality / | 1 |
BM496.9.S48 S26 2020eb | Tasting the Dish Rabbinic Rhetorics of Sexuality / | 3 |
BM496.9.S56 T76 2013eb | Simeon the Righteous in rabbinic literature : a legend reinvented / | 1 |
BM496.9.S65 | El nombre de Dios : el enigma de la mesa de Salomón / | 1 |
BM496.9.S93 K83 | Gottes Trauer und Klage in der rabbinischen Überlieferung (Talmud und Midrasch) / | 1 |
BM496.9.S95 W45 1997 | Piety and fanaticism : rabbinic criticism of religious stringency / | 1 |
BM496.9.T43 H36 2011 | Make yourself a teacher : rabbinic tales of mentors and disciples / | 1 |
BM496.9.T43 H36 2011eb | Make yourself a teacher : rabbinic tales of mentors and disciples / | 2 |
BM496.9.T47 K38 2020 | Time and difference in rabbinic Judaism / | 1 |
BM496.9.T47 K38 2021 | Time and difference in rabbinic Judaism / | 1 |
BM496.9.T47 K39 2018eb | Time in the Babylonian Talmud : natural and imagined times in Jewish law and narrative / | 1 |
BM496.9.W7 L33 2009 | Marriage and metaphor : constructions of gender in rabbinic literature / | 1 |
BM496.9.W7 R3813 2014 | Feminist Rereadings of Rabbinic Literature. | 1 |
BM497 1964 | Mishanyot. : ha-Mishnayot be ʻIvrit menu̥ kedet haḳdamot, tirgum Angli, perush Angli, hosafot, luḥot ha-mafteḥot, tosefet, tīkunim. | 1 |