Call Number (LC) Title Results
BM512 .G55 1962 Hammer on the rock : a short Midrash reader / 1
BM512 .H69 1993 How Judaism reads the Torah / 1
BM512 .M49 1990 A Midrash reader / 1
BM512 .M5 Understanding the Midrash : interpretations of the Exodus for modern times / 1
BM512 .R28 1990 Rabbinic fantasies : imaginative narratives from classical Hebrew literature / 1
BM512 .Y46 1996 Yemenite midrash : philosophical commentaries on the Torah / 1
BM514 A bilingual edition of Pesiqta Rabbati.
Medieval Midrash : the house for inspired innovation /
BM514 .C87 2006 Current trends in the study of midrash / 1
BM514 .D57 2009eb Inner-midrashic introductions and their influence on introductions to medieval rabbinic Bible commentaries / 1
BM514 .F57 1998 The exegetical imagination : on Jewish thought and theology / 1
BM514 .G65 1988 Studies in Midrash and related literature / 1
BM514 .H5713 1996 A rivalry of genius : Jewish and Christian biblical interpretation in late antiquity / 1
BM514 .H5713 1996eb A rivalry of genius : Jewish and Christian biblical interpretation in late antiquity / 1
BM514 .J33 1995 The midrashic process : tradition and interpretation in rabbinic Judaism /
The Midrashic Process : Tradition and Interpretation in Rabbinic Judaism /
BM514 .L38 The world of the Midrash. 1
BM514 .M363 2017 The Origins of Midrash 1
BM514 .M48 1986 Midrash and literature / 1
BM514 .M485 1993 The Midrashic imagination : Jewish exegesis, thought, and history / 1
BM514 .M485 1993eb The Midrashic imagination : Jewish exegesis, thought, and history / 1
BM514 .N46 1990 The canonical history of ideas : the place of the so-called Tannaite Midrashim : Mekhilta attributed to R. Ishmael, Sifra, Sifré to Numbers, and Sifré to Deuteronomy / 1