Call Number (LC) Title Results
BM520.7 .H4213 2008eb The reasons for the Commandments in Jewish thought : from the Bible to the Renaissance / 1
BM520.7 .S75 1998 Problems and parables of law : Maimonides and Nahmanides on reasons for the commandments (taʻamei ha-mitzvot) / 1
BM520.7 .S75 1998eb Problems and parables of law : Maimonides and Nahmanides on reasons for the commandments (taʻamei ha-mitzvot) / 1
BM520.7 .W43 1636 An exposition of the ceremoniall lavves of Moses, as they are annexed to the Tenne Commandements wherein are cleared divers customes of the Iewes, and also the customes of the Gentiles, as they have relation to the Iewish, out of the originall tongues, the Hebrew and Greeke : together with directions how to make the right use of them in preaching : all serving to let us see how they leade us as types to Iesus Christ, whom we see more clearely when the vayle is taken away ... / 1
BM520.73 .N68 1983 The image of the non-Jew in Judaism : an historical and constructive study of the Noahide Laws / 1
BM520.73 .N68 2011 The image of the non-Jew in Judaism : the idea of Noahide law / 1
BM520.73 .N68 2011eb The image of the non-Jew in Judaism : the idea of Noahide law / 1
BM520.75 .B76 1990 The spirit of the Ten Commandments : shattering the myth of rabbinic legalism / 2
BM520.8 .C2 1996 The puzzle of the 613 commandments and why bother / 1
BM520.8 .I74 1996 Mitzvot : a sourcebook for the 613 commandments / 1
BM520.8 .M6533 The commandments: Sefer Ha-Mitzvoth of Maimonides / 1
BM520.84 Crafting the 613 Commandments Maimonides on the Enumeration, Classification and Formulation of the Scriptural Commandments.
Crafting the 613 Commandments : Maimonides on the Enumeration, Classification and Formulation of the Scriptural Commandments.
BM520.84 .S77 2011 Without red strings or holy water : Maimonides' Mishneh Torah / 1
BM520.84 .T83 1980 Introduction to the Code of Maimonides (Mishneh Torah) / 1
BM520.88 .A54 1959 Shulḥan ʻarukh : yoreh deʻah ; ʻim ḳuntreshim vehe ʻarot uvo sheloshim ṿe-shalosh hosafot she-nikbetsu ve-nilḳetu misifre hageonim ztsʻl ke-mevuar be-shaʻar hameyuḥad she-be-hosafot she-besof kol ḥelek. 1
BM520.88 .A58 1961 Sefer hu Shulḥa ʻarukh Hoshen ha-mishpaṭ : zeh ha-shulḥan asher li-fene Yy / 1
BM520.88.A58 Q95 1990 A restatement of rabbinic civil law / 1
BM520.9 .A27 1905i The law of Israel 1
BM520.9 .F69 1915i Laws and customs of Israel 1
BM520.9 .H613 1999 Shney luchot habrit = Shlah ha-ḳadosh : on the written Torah / 1