Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BM525.A6 S525 2000 | The book of concealed mystery / | 1 |
BM525.A6 T5738 1993 | The enlightened will shine : symbolization and theurgy in the later strata of the Zohar / | 1 |
BM525.A6 T5738 1993eb | The enlightened will shine : symbolization and theurgy in the later strata of the Zohar / | 2 |
BM525 .A782 1996 | R. Asher ben Daṿid : kol ketavaṿ ṿe-ʻiyunim be-ḳabalato : ṿe-nosaf lo perushe maʻaśeh be-reshit shel ha-meḳubalim bi-Provans uve-Geronah / | 1 |
BM525 .B479 2005 | A new Kabbalah for women / | 1 |
BM525 .B55 1965 | The Christian interpretation of the Cabala in the Renaissance. | 1 |
BM525 .C35 | Scechina e libellus de litteris hebraicis / | 1 |
BM525 .C54 1987 | Puerta del cielo / | 1 |
BM525 .C5413 2002 | Gate of heaven / | 1 |
BM525 .C65413 1994 | Moses Cordovero's introduction to Kabbalah : an annotated translation of his Or neʼerav / | 1 |
BM525 .D355 2006 | Kabbalah : a very short introduction / | 2 |
BM525 .F747 2001 | The gift of Kabbalah : discovering the secrets of heaven, renewing your life on earth / | 2 |
BM525 .G27 2002 | Judaism, mathematics, and the Hebrew calendar / | 1 |
BM525 .G3613 2009 | The chosen will become herds : studies in twentieth-century Kabbalah / | 1 |
BM525 .G3613 2009eb |
The chosen will become herds : studies in twentieth-century kabbalah / The chosen will become herds : studies in twentieth-century Kabbalah / The chosen will become herds studies in twentieth-century Kabbalah / |
4 |
BM525 .G784 2016 | Die kabbalistische Lehrtafel der Antonia von W?urttemberg. | 1 |
BM525 .H395 2012 | Francis Mercury van Helmont's "Sketch of Christian Kabbalism" / | 1 |
BM525 .H57713 1996 | The generations of Adam / | 1 |
BM525 .H67 2016eb | A Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism reader / | 1 |
BM525 .H677 2012 |
Reality in the Name of God, or, Divine Insistence: An Essay on Creation, Infinity, and the Ontological Implications of Kabbalah Reality in the Name of God, or, Divine Insistence: An Essay on Creation, Infinity, and the Ontological Implications of Kabbalah. |
2 |