Call Number (LC) Title Results
BM535 .Y63 2003 The Jewish-Christian schism revisited / 1
BM535 .Z45 2008 Der Verein zur Abwehr des Antisemitismus : zum Verhältnis von Protestantismus und Judentum im Kaiserreich und in der Weimarer Republik / 1
BM535 ebook Cuando lo humano y lo divino convergen : encuentro, transfiguración y apofatismo en el judaísmo y en el cristianismo primitivo /
Contra la Ignorancia : manual de reflexiones y oraciones para aclarar toda duda y contrarrestar la deserción de la fe católica /
BM536.A8 J3 1914 Hebrew and Babylonian traditions : the Haskell lectures, delivered at Oberlin College in 1913 and since rev. and enl., by Morris Jastrow. 1
BM536.A8 S26 2017 From Adapa to Enoch : scribal culture and religious vision in Judea and Babylon / 1
BM536.C66 P38 2006 To broaden the way : a Confucian-Jewish dialogue / 1
BM536.C66 Y36 2006 Wisdom in early Confucian and Israelite traditions / 1
BM536.C66 Y36 2006eb Wisdom in early Confucian and Israelite traditions / 1
BM536.G54 D48 1995 The Gnostic imagination : Gnosticism, Mandaeism, and Merkabah mysticism / 1
BM536.G54 J48 1986 Jewish and Gnostic man. 1
BM536.G7 Semites, Iranians, Greeks, and Romans studies in their interactions / 3
BM536.G7 B76 2003 Ancient Israel and ancient Greece : religion, politics, and culture / 1
BM536.G7 G58 1990 Semites, Iranians, Greeks, and Romans : studies in their interactions / 1
BM536.G7 G6 1969 By light, light : the mystic gospel of Hellenistic Judaism / 1
BM536.G7 H45 2001 Hellenism in the land of Israel / 1
BM536.G7 H4613 1991 Judaism and Hellenism : studies in their encounter in Palestine during the early Hellenistic period / 1
BM536.G7 H4713 1989 The "Hellenization" of Judaea in the first century after Christ / 1
BM536.G7 L49 1998 Judaism and Hellenism in antiquity : conflict or confluence? / 1
BM536.G7 L49 1998eb Judaism and Hellenism in antiquity : conflict or confluence / 1
BM536.G7 R35 2001 The Jewish dialogue with Greece and Rome : studies in cultural and social interaction / 1