Call Number (LC) Title Results
BM645.H85 J84 2001 Judaism and human rights / 1
BM645.H85J84 2001 Judaism and Human Rights. 1
BM645.H85 N6 2000 Covenantal rights : a study in Jewish political theory / 1
BM645.J67 An ode to joy : Judaism and happiness in the thought of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks and beyond / 1
BM645.J67 B89 2002 Jewish tales of mystic joy / 1
BM645.J67 T57 2003 Happiness in premodern Judaism : virtue, knowledge, and well-being / 1
BM645.J8 G58 2023 Monotheism and social justice / 1
BM645.J8 G66 1991 On justice : an essay in Jewish philosophy / 2
BM645.J8 J49 2010 Jewish choices, Jewish voices. 1
BM645.J8 S35 2006 Judaism and justice : the Jewish passion to repair the world / 2
BM645.J8 .Y36 2014eb The soul of Jewish social justice / 1
BM645.L68 R68 2017 Rabbi Akiva's philosophy of love / 2
BM645.M3 B4 In His image. 1
BM645.M34 Jewish Martyrdom in Antiquity : From the Books of Maccabees to the Babylonian Talmud. 1
BM645.M34 A38 1988eb The binding of Isaac and Messiah : law, martyrdom, and deliverance in early rabbinic religiosity / 1
BM645.M34 E58 1989 Die Entstehung der jüdischen Martyrologie / 1
BM645.M34 G6513 2008 The ways of Jewish martyrdom / 1
BM645.M37 L53 1984 The commerce of the sacred : mediation of the divine among Jews in the Graeco-Roman Diaspora / 1
BM645.M37 S33 2006 Ḳirvat Elohim : ʻal tiḳun ʻolam ṿe-ʻal tiḳun ha-lev / 1
BM645.P64 On liberty : Jewish philosophical perspectives /
Kinship and consent : Jewish political tradition and its contemporary uses /
HOLINESS AND SOCIETY a socio-political exploration of the mosaic tradition.
Margarete Susman religious-political essays on Judaism /