Call Number (LC) Title Results
BM657.M35 F56 2016eb The menorah : from the Bible to modern Israel / 1
BM657.M35 I6 1999 In the light of the menorah : story of a symbol / 1
BM657.M35 Y37 1971 The tree of light; a study of the menorah, the seven-branched lampstand,
The tree of light : a study of the menorah, the seven-branched lampstand /
BM657.M4 R69 1995b Upon thy doorposts : the law, the lore, the love of mezuzot : a personal collection / 1
BM657.P5 C64 2008eb Tangled up in text : tefillin and the ancient world / 1
BM657.S5 Q65 2017eb Qol tamid : the shofar in ritual, history, and culture / 1
BM657.S64 T68 1982 Towers of spice : the tower-shaped tradition in havdalah spiceboxes / 1
BM657.T585 .T63 2013 The Torah Ark in Renaissance Poland : a Jewish Revival of Classical Antiquity. 1
BM657.T585 Y36 2017 The carved wooden Torah arks of Eastern Europe / 1
BM657.U7 V36 1997 The Urim and Thummim : a means of revelation in ancient Israel / 1
BM657.2 .M87 1998 Musée d'art et d'histoire du Judaïsme. 1
BM657.5.M3 B57 1969 Roter Davidstern über Israel : die Geschichte des Magen David Adom ; eine humanitäre Dokumentation / 1
BM657.5.M3 O333 1996 The history of the shield of David : the birth of a symbol / 1
BM658 .W45 2011 Building singing communities : a practical guide to unlocking the power of music in Jewish prayer / 1
BM658.2 Golden ages : Hasidic singers and cantorial revival in the digital era / 2
BM658.2 .S58 1992 Redevelopment of the office of hazzan through the Talmudic period / 1
BM659.S3 S353 1998eb Jewish scribes in the Second-Temple period / 1
BM660 The Experience of Jewish Liturgy : Studies Dedicated to Menahem Schmelzer.
The experience of Jewish liturgy : studies dedicated to Menahem Schmelzer /
BM660 .A15 1966 A companion to the Authorized daily prayerbook : historical and explanatory notes. 1
BM660.A2 G73 Birkat ha-mazon. 1