Call Number (LC) Title Results
BM755.J7 N42 First century Judaism in crisis : Yohanan ben Zakkai and the renaissance of Torah. 1
BM755.J72 K5313 2004 Fräulein Rabbiner Jonas : the story of the first woman rabbi / 1
BM755.J72 R44 2014 DVD Regina / 1
BM755.J75 P6 The last Pharisee : the life and times of Rabbi Joshua Ben Hananyah, a first-century idealist. / 1
BM755.J78 O66 2007 Rabi Yehudah ha-Naśi / 1
BM755.J78 O6613 2017 Rabbi Judah ha-Nasi : statesman, reformer, and redactor of the Mishnah / 1
BM755.J784 T57 1991 Between worlds : the life and thought of Rabbi David ben Judah Messer Leon / 1
BM755.J8 B7 2002 The Golem how he came into the world / 1
BM755.J8 M28 The Golem : a Jewish legend / 2
BM755.J8 R33 2013  
BM755.J8 S45 1982 Mystical theology and social dissent : the life and works of Judah Loew of Prague / 1
BM755.J82 M44 1999 Rabi Yehudah ha-Naśi : dyoḳno shel manhig bi-mesoret Erets-Yiśraʼel u-Vavel / 1
BM755.K254 M34 2021 Meir Kahane : the public life and political thought of an American Jewish radical / 1
BM755.K2813 M94 2003 Seeking Zion : modernity and messianic activism in the writings of Tsevi Hirsch Kalischer / 1
BM755.K2813 M947 2003 Seeking Zion : Modernity and Messianic Activity in the Writings of Tsevi Hirsch Kalischer. 1
BM755.K285 A3 2010 Nothing like sunshine : a story in the aftermath of the MLK assassination / 3
BM755.K289 A3 2001 Communings of the spirit : the journals of Mordecai M. Kaplan / 1
BM755.K289 A84 1990 The American Judaism of Mordecai M. Kaplan / 1
BM755.K289 B73 1994 Mordecai Kaplan's thought in a postmodern age / 1
BM755.K289 G87 1997 A modern heretic and a traditional community : Mordecai M. Kaplan, Orthodoxy, and American Judaism / 1