Call Number (LC) Title Results
BP130.32 .J36 2005 Asbāb al-nuzūl : ʻilm min ʻulūm al-Qurʼān / 1
BP130.32 .T56 2011 Typen historisch-exegetischer Überlieferung : Formen, Funktionen und Genese des asbāb an-nuzūl-Materials / 1
BP130.32 .V3413 2008 al-Wāḥīdī's Asbāb al-nuzūl / 1
BP130.32 .W3413 2009 The reasons for revelation (of the Qurʼan) = Asbāb al-nuzūl / 1
BP130.4 The Qur'an : formative interpretation /
The Oxford handbook of Qur'anic studies /
The Wiley Blackwell companion to the Qur'an /
Prolegomena to the Qur'an.
Routledge companion to the Qur'an /
Charging steeds or maidens performing good deeds : in search of the original Qur'an /
The Bounteous Koran : a translation of meaning and commentary /
The Qur'ān : a Form-Critical History /
The Qurʻan in Islam : its impact and influence on the life of Muslims /
The Qur'an : text and commentary.
Rebellious wives, neglectful husbands : controversies in modern Qur'anic commentaries /
BP130.4 .A25 al-Fawāʼid fi mushkil al-Qurʼān. 1
BP130.4 .A316 1983 Dāstān-i Dāvūd va Sulaymān : barʹgiriftah az tafsīr-i Rawz al-janān va rūḥ al-janān / 1
BP130.4 .A4423 2020 Contemporary approaches to the Qurʼān and its interpretation in Iran / 1
BP130.4 .A45 2004 The meaning of the Holy Qur'ān / 1
BP130.4 .A456 2014eb Reclaiming jihad : a Qur'anic critique of terrorism / 1
BP130.4 .A57 2011 The lamp of mysteries : a commentary on the light verse of the Quran / 1
BP130.4 .A77 2012 The message of the Qurʼān : the full account of the revealed Arabic text accompanied by parallel transliteration / 1
BP130.4 .A835 1984 The Qur'an and its interpreters / 1
BP130.4 .A93 2016eb The Qur'an seminar : commentary a collaborative study of 50 Qur'anic passages = Le Qur'an seminar : commentaire collaboratif de 50 passages coraniques / 1
BP130.4 .A93 2023 Love in Sufi literature : Ibn ʻAjība's understanding of the divine word / 1
BP130.4 .B57 2006 The Blackwell companion to the Qurʼān / 1
BP130.4 .C34 2009 Reading the Qur'an in English : an introductory guide / 1
BP130.4 .C66 2000 The Koran : a very short introduction /
The Koran, a very short introduction /
BP130.4 .C667 2018 Seeing God in Sufi Qurʼan commentaries : crossings between this world and the otherworld / 1
BP130.4 .C667 2018eb Seeing God in Sufi Qur'an commentaries : crossings between this world and the otherworld / 1