Call Number (LC) Title Results
BP130.4 BP130.4.B57 2006 The Blackwell Companion to the Qur'an. 1
BP130.45 The Qur'an between the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic : an exegetical tradition /
The Qur'an in South Asia : hermeneutics, Qur'an projects, and imaginings of Islamic tradition in British India /
The Qurản and its interpretative tradition /
BP130.45 .A26 2010 Schools of Qur'anic exegesis : genesis and development /
Schools of Qur'anic exegesis genesis and development /
BP130.45 .A26 2010eb  
BP130.45 .A264 2012 Theological approaches to Qur'anic exegesis a practical comparative-contrastive analysis /
Theological approaches to Qur'anic exegesis : a practical comparative-contrastive analysis /
BP130.45 .A37 2013 Aims, methods and contexts of Qurʼanic exegesis (2nd/8th-9th/15th centuries) / 1
BP130.45 .A4813 2015 The silent Qurʼan and the speaking Qurʼan : scriptural sources of islam between history and fervor / 1
BP130.45 .A4813 2016 The silent Qurʼan and the speaking Qurʼan : scriptural sources of islam between history and fervor / 1
BP130.45 .A66 1988 Approaches to the history of the interpretation of the Qurʼān / 1
BP130.45 .A67 1993 Approaches to the Qurʼān / 1
BP130.45 .A67 1993eb Approaches to the Qurʼān 1
BP130.45 A677 2013 Approaches to the History of the Interpretation of the Qur'ān / 1
BP130.45 .B3713 1999 Scripture and exegesis in early Imāmī-Shiism / 1
BP130.45 .B57 2014 Qur'an in conversation / 1
BP130.45 .B68 1959 Le conflit autour du Coran et la solution d'al-Bāqillānī 1
BP130.45 .C66 2007 Coming to terms with the Qurʼan : a volume in honor of professor Issa Boullata, McGill University / 1
BP130.45 .C66513 2010eb The Qur'an : modern Muslim interpretations / 2
BP130.45 .C73 1985 The pen and the faith : eight modern Muslim writers and the Qurʼān / 1
BP130.45 .G313 1976 The Qurʼān and its exegesis : selected texts with classical and modern Muslim interpretations / 1
BP130.45 .J36 1974 The interpretation of the Koran in modern Egypt / 1