Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BP131.15.S7 L67 1982 | The Qurʼān in sixteenth-century Spain : six Morisco versions of Sūra 79 / | 1 |
BP131.15.U7 F37 1982 | The Tarjuman al-Qurʼan : a critical analysis of Maulana Abuʼl-Kalam Azad's approach to the understanding of the Qurʼan / | 1 |
BP131.18.S7 | The Iberian Qurʼan : from the middle ages to modern times / | 1 |
BP131.2 N327 2003 | Tārīḵẖ-i arz̤ulqurʼān | 1 |
BP131.2 .R83 2000 | Iram Dhāt al-ʻImād : min Makkah ilá Ūrshalīm : al-baḥth ʻan al-jannah / | 1 |
BP131.5. J4 1975 | Materials for the history of the text of the Qurʻān : the old codices : the Kitāb al-maṣāḥif of Ibn Abī Dawūd, together with a collection of the variant readings from the codices of Ibn Maʻsūd, Ubai, ʻAlī, Ibn ʻAbbās, Anas, Abū Mūsā and other early Qurʻānic authorities which present a type of text anterior to that of the canonical text of ʻUthmān / | 1 |
BP131.5 .N38 2013 | The Transmission of the Variant Readings of the Qur??n : the Problem of Taw?tur and the Emergence of Shaw?dhdh. | 1 |
BP131.5 .S39 2009eb | Revelation and falsification : the Kitāb al-qirāʼāt of Aḥmad b. Muḥammad al-Sayyārī / | 1 |
BP131.6 .A54 2014 | Tajweed rules for Qurʼanic recitation : a beginner's guide = Aḥkām al-tajwīd lil-mubtadiʼīn / | 1 |
BP131.6 .B87 2012 | Beginner's guide to reading the Qur'ān / | 1 |
BP131.6 N44 1985 | The art of reciting the Qur'an / | 1 |
BP131.6 .S313 1975 | The recited Koran : a history of the first recorded version / | 1 |
BP131.8 |
Three treatises on the iʻjaz̄ of the Qurʼān : Qur'anic studies and literary criticism : al-Khaṭṭābī, al-Rummānī and ʻAbd al-Qāhir al-Jurjānī / Qur'ān and the lyric imperative / |
2 |
BP131.8 .D8713 2015eb | The poetics of ancient and classical Arabic literature : Orientology / | 2 |
BP131.8 .L58 2000 |
Literary structures of religious meaning in the Qur'a?n / Literary structures of religious meaning in the Qur'ān / |
2 |
BP131.8 .Q77 2017 | The Qurʼan and adab : the shaping of literary traditions in classical Islam / | 1 |
BP131.8 .S77 2021 | Structural dividers in the Qur'an / | 1 |
BP132 .A22 2000 | The Qur'an : an introduction / | 1 |
BP132 .A67 2004 | The everything Koran book ; understand the origins and influence of the Muslim Holy Book and the teachings of Allah / | 1 |
BP132 .H88613 2003 | Kernel of the kernel : concerning the wayfaring and spiritual journey of the people of intellect : a Shī'ī approach to Sufism : (Risāla-yi Lubb al-lubāb dar sayr wa sulūk-i ulu'l-albāb) / | 1 |