Call Number (LC) Title Results
BP136.485 .N33 2007 Al-Muḥaddithāt : the women scholars in Islam / 1
BP136.7 W376 2021 The Words of the Imams Al-Shaykh Al-Saduq and the Development of Twelver Shi'i Hadith Literature. 1
BP136.7 .Y36 2023 Reconstructing the variant generation process of Hadith : based on the quantitative and the isnād-cum-matn analysis / 1
BP136.8 .B54 2018 Said the prophet of God : Hadith commentary across a millennium /
Said the Prophet of God : Hadith Commentary across a Millennium /
BP136.8 .M30 1980 Muwattaʼ Imam Malik / 1
BP136.8 .O53 2013 Forty hadiths on poisonous social habits : with short commentaries = Arbaʻūn ḥadīthan fī al-ʻādāt al-ijtimāʻīyah al-masmūmah maʻa taʻlīqāt qaṣīrah / 1
BP137 .I2413 1989 The making of the last prophet : a reconstruction of the earliest biography of Muhammad / 1
BP137 .K38 2006 Min asāṭīr al-awwalīn ilá qiṣaṣ al-anbiyāʼ / 1
BP137 .K5213 The tales of the prophets of al-Kisāʹī / 1
BP137 .K58 1985 Islamic legends : histories of the heroes, saints, and prophets of Islam / 1
BP137 .R83 2008 Yūsuf wa-al-biʼr : usṭūrat al-wuqūʻ fī gharām al-ḍayf / 1
BP137 .S38 Ursprung und Entwicklung der arabischen Abraham-Nimrod-Legende. 1
BP137.5.N5 A475 2008 African American religious life and the story of Nimrod / 1
BP137.5.N5 A475 2008eb African American religious life and the story of Nimrod 1
BP141 .C66 2000 The concept of territory in Islamic law and thought / 1
BP144 .A74 2004 Uṣūl al-sharīʻah / 1
BP144 .C35 1993 Studies in early Muslim jurisprudence / 1
BP144 .C76 1987 Roman, provincial, and Islamic law : the origins of the Islamic patronate / 1
BP144 .D53 The Muslim matrimonial court in Singapore. 1
BP144 .D65 1984 Sharīʻah : the Islamic law / 1