Call Number (LC) Title Results
BP173.7 .S5425 2018eb Islam, Securitization, and US Foreign Policy / 1
BP173.7 .S543 2003 al-Dīmuqrāṭīyah-- ruʼyah islāmīyah / 1
BP173.7 .S72 2015eb Young Islam : the new politics of religion in Morocco and the Arab World / 1
BP173.7 .S73 1995 Fondamentalismo islamico : l'Islam politico / 1
BP173.7 .S74 2016 Jihadism transformed : Al-Qaeda and Islamic State's global battle of ideas / 1
BP173.7 .S84 2020eb Sufism : A Theoretical Intervention in Global International Relations.
Sufism A Theoretical Intervention in Global International Relations.
BP173.7 .T32 2018 Religious statecraft : the politics of Islam in Iran / 1
BP173.7 .T34 2004 The receding shadow of the prophet : the rise and fall of radical political Islam / 1
BP173.7 .T34 2004eb  
BP173.7.T37 2005 Kurdish Nationalism and Political Islam in Turkey : Kemalist Identity in Transition. 1
BP173.7 .T37 2005 Kurdish nationalism and political Islam in Turkey : Kemalist identity in transition / 1
BP173.7 .T37 2005eb Kurdish nationalism and political Islam in Turkey : Kemalist identity in transition / 1
BP173.7 .T47 2015 Islam and politics in the Middle East : explaining the views of ordinary citizens / 1
BP173.7 .T47 2015eb Islam and politics in the Middle East : explaining the views of ordinary citizens / 1
BP173.7 .T54 2020 Jihadists of North Africa and the Sahel : local politics and rebel groups / 1
BP173.7 .T56 1998 The challenge of fundamentalism : political Islam and the new world disorder / 1
BP173.7 .T56 1998eb The challenge of fundamentalism : political Islam and the new world disorder / 1
BP173.7 .T563 2008 Political Islam, world politics and Europe : democratic peace and Euro-Islam versus global jihad / 1
BP173.7 .T563 2014 Political Islam, world politics and Europe : from jihadist to institutional Islamism / 2
BP173.7 .T82 2009 Passive revolution : absorbing the Islamic challenge to capitalism / 1