Call Number (LC) Title Results
BP189.3 .Z36 2011 Sufi aesthetics : beauty, love, and the human form in the writings of Ibn 'Arabi and 'Iraqi / 1
BP189.3 .Z36 2011eb Sufi aesthetics : beauty, love, and the human form in the writings of Ibn 'Arabi and 'Iraqi / 1
BP189.33 .E45 1999 Islamic sainthood in the fullness of time : Ibn al-ʻArabī's Book of the fabulous gryphon / 1
BP189.33 .F74 2006 The friends of God : Sufi saints in Islam : popular poster art from Pakistan / 1
BP189.33 .F74 2012 The friends of God : sufi saints in Islam, popular poster art from Pakistan / 1
BP189.33 .H25 1996 The concept of sainthood in early Islamic mysticism : two works by al-Ḥakīm al-Tirmidhī ; an annotated translation with introduction / 1
BP189.33 .H3513 1996eb The concept of sainthood in early Islamic mysticism : two works by al-Ḥakīm al-Tirmidhī ; an annotated translation with introduction / 1
BP189.33 P356 2019 Sainthood and Authority in Early Islam 1
BP189.33 .S25 2012 Saints and their pilgrims in Iran and neighbouring countries / 1
BP189.33 .S645 2018 Humanist mystics : nationalism and the commemoration of saints in Turkey / 1
BP189.36 .E95 1997 Arguing sainthood modernity, psychoanalysis, and Islam /
Arguing sainthood : modernity, psychoanalysis, and Islam /
BP189.36 .I85 1999 Islamic mysticism contested : thirteen centuries of controversies and polemics / 1
BP189.36 .K58 1999 Ibn ʻArabi in the later Islamic tradition : the making of a polemical image in medieval Islam / 1
BP189.4 Sufis of Andalusia : the Rūh al-quds and al-Durrat al-fākhirah of Ibn 'Ȧrabī /
Muslim saints and mystics : episodes from the Tadhkirat al-Auliya' /
Sufi women and mystics : models of sanctity, erudition, and political leadership /
BP189.4 .B3313 2001 Sufis and soldiers in Awrangzeb's Deccan : Malfúzát-i Naqshbandiyya / 1
BP189.4 .F323 1966 Muslim saints and mystics : episodes from the Tadhkirat al-auliya' ("Memorial of the saints") / 1
BP189.4 .I13 1972 Sufis of Andalusia : the Rūḥ al-quds and al-Durrah al-fākhirah of Ibn ʻArabī / 1
BP189.4 .N47 2022  
BP189.4 .T35 2009 Tales of God's friends : Islamic hagiography in translation / 1
BP189.4 .W66 2003 Women of Sufism : a hidden treasure : writings and stories of mystic poets, scholars & saints / 1