Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BP190.5.T47 K4713 2017 | Terror in France : the rise of jihad in the west / | 1 |
BP190.5.T47 K875 2011eb | The missing martyrs : why there are so few Muslim terrorists / | 1 |
BP190.5.T47 K875 2019 | The missing martyrs : why are there so few Muslim terrorists? / | 1 |
BP190.5.T47 M43 2022 | Black markets and militants : informal networks in the Middle East and Africa / | 1 |
BP190.5.T47 M64 2008 | How globalization spurs terrorism : the lopsided benefits of "one world" and why that fuels violence / | 1 |
BP190.5.T47 M64 2008eb | How globalization spurs terrorism : the lopsided benefits of "one world" and why that fuels violence / | 1 |
BP190.5.T47 N36 2019 | Islam and suicide attacks / | 1 |
BP190.5.T47 N39 2008eb | Satanic purses : money, myth, and misinformation in the war on terror / | 1 |
BP190.5.T47 N55 2018 | Open source jihad : problematizing the academic discourse on Islamic terrorism in contemporary Europe / | 2 |
BP190.5.T52 | Mapping intellectual building and the construction of thought and reason / | 1 |
BP190.5.T54 S76 2014 | The day begins at sunset : perceptions of time in the Islamic world / | 1 |
BP190.5.T73 M87 1990 | Muslim travellers : pilgrimage, migration, and the religious imagination / | 1 |
BP190.5.T73 M87 1990eb | Muslim travellers : pilgrimage, migration, and the religious imagination / | 2 |
BP190.5.T73 T6813 2010 | Islam & travel in the Middle Ages / | 1 |
BP190.5.T78 G66 2003 | Islamic humanism / | 1 |
BP190.5.V56 |
Religion and violence : Muslim and Christian theological and pedagogical reflections / When God Stops Fighting : How Religious Violence Ends / Violence in Islamic thought from the Mongols to European imperialism / When God stops fighting : how religious violence ends / |
4 |
BP190.5.V56 A28 2003 | Nonviolence and peace building in Islam : theory and practice / | 2 |
BP190.5.V56 A35513 2016 | Violence and Islam : conversations with Houria Abdelouahed / | 1 |
BP190.5.V56 A57 2021 | Nonviolent activism in Islam : the message of Abul Kalam Azad / | 1 |
BP190.5.V56 .D46 2021 | Violence in Early Islam Religious Narratives, the Arab Conquests and the Canonization of Jihad. | 1 |